Discussion: GOP Lawmaker Calls On Gun Owners To 'Clean Our Society Of These Scumbags'

Discussion for article #244055

Iā€™m thinkinā€™ how-to suicide - videos to the ammosexuals bent on killing others before they kill themselves would be a good ā€˜scum-bagā€™ deterrent.

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words have consequences and often simpletons like this guy never thing it thruā€¦

there are people that might think that this idiot is a societal scumbagā€¦


it just staggers the mind that these goons think armed citizens firing away in chaotic circumstances in crowded public spaces is going to result in anything other than innocent people being killed/woundedā€¦ forget kansasā€¦ what the fuck is going on in wisconsin that these malignant assholes are being elected.


ā€œā€¦but with significant practice and careful aim, law-abiding citizens can helpā€¦ā€

Careful Aim?! That's for girls!
<img src="/uploads/default/7788/51ab003a9223acd8.png" width="350" height="212">

Yea because they called it the wild west until everybody started carrying guns and shooting all the people they assumed were bad guys on the spotā€¦humm or was it the other way aroundā€¦well what ever, things would be a lot safer with everyone walking around with loaded guns?

God damn these people are such dumb fucks!


I agree that the Wisconsin legislature should be cleansed of this scumbag but the ballot, not the bullet is the appropriate weapon.


Iā€™m thinking he might have been shot in the head a few times, maybe even by someone else.


Golly, what a magical world this guy lives in. An action movie, really, where accidents never happen, where the Good Guys With Guns have perfect aim and always know who the Bad Guys With Guns and Good Guys With Guns are in a chaotic scene.


Guns? No need, really.

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I especially like the gun nuts that think armed citizens in a dark, panic ridden movie theater filled with 300 screaming people darting everywhere will somehow manage to shoot a madman spraying bullets in every direction. WTF?


If,for one minute, I believed that he believed that anyone other than White ā€œChristiansā€ should have access to weapons, I might give him the benefit of the doubt. However, I think itā€™s time to round up these people and send them off to the Middle East and let them show us all just how wonderful they are as ā€œpatriotsā€ and marksmen. They want to keep us safe ā€¦ let them! Only where the threat truly is.


ā€œClean our society of these scumbagsā€

You mean Republicans? Excellent!

What do we use? Lysol and a scrubbing brush?

No matter. Count me in!!


Heā€™s seen way too many action movies and imagined himself as the hero ā€“ younger, sexier, slimmer, and more handsome.


We need to rid our government of these scumbag legislators whose penis obsession has a caliber.

And by the way Mr. Gannon, the Second Amendment does not guarantee your right to carry firearms onto private property. The Bill of Rights protects your rights from government intrusion, not from othersā€™ private property rights.


However many Americans are going to be killed in the United States, as a result of this Insanity, it is guaranteed that few of the Oligarchs profiting by gun sales will be in the malls, theatres, cafes and schools to be bludgeoned by their ammosexual customers.

But this is not completely the fault of Oligarchs.

Gun people somehow seem to vote enough so that their legislators are also pro-gun.

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Only as long as those with the guns are White, right?


Yes, we have entered an age where men think they are the heros of video games and bad movies. AND now they can have all the weapons their fictional role models have. God help us all.


56 years old and no military service!
Wonder what important things he was doing in '90 (1st Gulf War) and '02 (Iraq/Afghan) that kept him from joining up and able really able to mow down the bad guys! He was only 31 at the start of the 1st Gulf War and but 43, at the start of the Iraqi War! Well with-in the age group to volunteer
Gannon is whatā€™s known as a ā€œAmerican Chicken-Hawk,ā€ complete with a backbone made up of feces-colored jello!


Just for clarification, youā€™re beseeching the same God that ā€œhelpedā€ these children, right?