Discussion: GOP Lawmaker Calls On Gun Owners To 'Clean Our Society Of These Scumbags'

What an absurd state of affairs, when lawmakers are calling for vigilante murders…


You have to remember that outside of a couple of pockets, Wisconsin is basically West Virginia. Just substitute the cooked possum with cheese curds.


If he is 56, he was born in 1959. Which would have eliminated him from liability from the Military Draft, which ended in the 1970s. The Military Draft made even those who did not serve highly cognizant of the trials of war.


“GOP Lawmaker Calls On Gun Owners To ‘Clean Our Society Of These Scumbags’”

Community activism plays an important role in GOP politics.


Spoiler alert! Those who imagine this invitation to murder is something this lawmaker can pardon are going to be disappointed; assuming they survive the encounter.


Amazingly, this guy isn’t in the district that elected idiot Glenn Grothman to Congress. Close by, though.


Gannon also said he wouldn’t shop at the mall where the shooting took place because he didn’t want to give money to an establishment that "believes my Second Amendment rights have to be left in the car."

How about they take their 2nd Amendment rights and shove them up their ass, if they love it so much? That way, it will be with them always, even when their gun isn’t.


These people truly believe that “an armed society is a polite society.”

Everyone else knows that an armed society is more like a Quentin Tarantino movie.

Let’s say that a bad guy with a gun starts firing. The first good guy tries to return fire. So does the second. And the third. By now, bullets are flying, and there’s no clear indication who the good guys and the bad guys are - in the real world, bad guys don’t wear black hats, and good guys don’t wear white.

Gun advocates want one more gun - the one the good guy has - the one that’s able to stop the bad guy. Gun safety advocates want one less gun - the one the bad guy has - the one that should never have been sold in the first place. Are they both unrealistic? I honestly don’t know, but I’m going to keep advocating for one less, not one more.


These guys probably hated Wyatt Earp.

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Holy shit…what the hell is going on in this country–planet? Seriously? How is it, with all this information at our fingertips, how are we getting dumber as a species?


So he’s just seen what happens when a gun owner decides to “clean out” someone the gun owner considers to be scum, and he says this.


It really comes down to Money.

ALL (and I mean all) of what is happening is the result of a Business Plan.

The statistics on race relations (up to well into the Millennium) have been improving. There is more diversity. More contact.

More acceptance.

But there is a lot of money to be made off of Cleetis and Goober, Granny and Gramps. They are the number one political consumers. The rest of the non-Southern, non-Rube, non Geriatric, non-Ammosexual citizens of the United States are busy doing many things. But it isn’t Politics

Most of what we are seeing is the MSM and FOX providing the Product amenable to tastes, interests and desires of the former collection of individuals…


Why does it never occur to these lunatics that every single gunshot victim was shot by a gun owner?


That’s easy. They’re spending too much time around lead. Some of them are probably eating the bullets.


Spoken like a man who has never been in actual combat.Just another chicken hawk made of chicken shit.


I have guns. Good that the republicans now say it’s a good thing to clean society of scumbag America-hating republicans! Open season!

Gannon said that allowing citizens to bring their guns into public spaces such as shopping malls would increase safety.

…um, Bunky? A citizen did bring their gun into a public space… that’s why another citizen got shot. So, where’s the increased safety…???

Wisconsin does not have a death penalty law, but with significant practice and careful aim, law-abiding citizens can help clean our society of these scumbags,”

what. the hell. is in the water up in Wisconsin…!!!


Screw that! I ain’t leavin’ my house without my RPG cocked & ready…!!! :scream:


Another one unfit for public office or to own a gun. The problem is background checks are only set in a period of time…as these fat old white Republicans age they tend to get crazier and crazier. Living proof that gun owners must be licensed and their guns registered…when they get close to the loonie bin category their guns need to be taken away!

The fat old white dude adds to the case for a gun owner and gun registry!