OK McCaul—if your standard is to threaten Hillary with impeachment because she has committed “treason” – then let’s open an investigation into you and your fellow Republicans for seditious conspiracy. Seditious conspiracy is
a. destroy or overthrow the U.S. government;
b. create obstacles or prevent the execution of U.S. laws;
c. oppose the authority of the U.S. government; or
d. unlawfully possess or take property that belong to the nation.
The first amendment of the U.S. constitution protects people who have differing ideas from rest of the population. But these rights are not available to persons who make threats. The U.S. Supreme Court has made it clear that free speech extends to protests, the exchange of ideas, and points in debate, but it does not include direct threats to a person’s safety.
The number of men wanting to destroy one women (and I am generous with that word, “men”) can’t possibly go unnoticed amongst half of the electorate, even if many of them don’t want to vote for her.
Rework that Virginia Slims ad copy: “You’ve really not gotten very far, baby.”
If anyone is committing treason, it’s the jackbooted thugs that are lining up to impeach Clinton. McCaul isn’t fit to clean sewers. He is a human sewer. If anyone is committing treason it’s this jerk.
Can it be that we will have a President Clinton and GOP House that for the next two years tries desperately to impeach her for something, anything? If so, it will be the undeniable proof that God created the Clintons as a punishment for the multiple sins of the Republican Party.
without ANY disclosure of the substance of the e–mails by the FBI or AG the GOP and infotainment propaganda complex is able to walk each of their conspiracy theories down any rabbit hole they want…
Arent we now going on a week without anything? and if it come out BS the lies are already out there and all they have to do is repeat them as fact to continue their advantage…
He, and his ilk, don’t care about the truth. His supporters are dumb as a box of rocks, and he is counting on low information folk to carry the day.How else does one explain trump getting so close to the oval office?
In the mean time Trump and his minions like McCaul are seditious in their thoughts, words, and deeds.
Sedition is the stirring up of rebellion against the government in power. Treason is the violation of allegiance to one’s sovereign or state, giving aid to enemies, or levying war against one’s state. Sedition is encouraging one’s fellow citizens to rebel against their state, whereas treason is actually betraying one’s country by aiding and abetting another state. Sedition laws somewhat equate to terrorism and public order laws.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedition
I’ve read somewhere that the server was configured by the same contractor that handled the State Department’s servers, with the same security.
The real bottom line on all of this is that end-to-end encryption is necessary (but not sufficient!) for secure communications. We’ve known this since forever, but for some reason we refuse to act on that knowledge.
My dream is to find a really good person to challenge this jerk in 2016. Rumor has it that he may challenge Cruz, so Dems need to promote 2 really good people to run against the GOP in TX. One of the Castro’s has been rumored to consider challenging Cruz as well.
This nonsense by the GOP really harms the country, not just people on one side of the aisle.
She should sue the fuck outta this asshole for defamation.
There is NO EVIDENCE that her email server was hacked (even though the State Dept. Email Server WAS hacked, multiple times.)
There is NO EVIDENCE that she committed “Treason”.
There is NO EVIDENCE that she committed any illegal acts whatsoever.
Somebody needs to smack the living shit out of these fuckers for their lies.
The closer we get to the election, the more OUTRAGEOUS their lies will become because the Hillary campaign won’t have time to set the record straight, and too many Americans are too fucking lazy and stupid to find out if it is true or not (of course the FOX News crowd doesn’t care if it is not true as it gives them their “Outrage Fix” for the day.)
Couple things. First, she left the post 4 years ago. Can anyone point to any direct impact an alleged breach of her private server has had on national security or the lives of service members on the ground or American abroad and home? I mean, REALLY. These people make it sound like she whispered all our most secretiest secrets directly into the ear of ISIL strategist.
Second, where does the opposition go from here? I mean, she will win and they have already accused her of murder and treason. I mean, there is nothing more sinister than this that they could level at her that could have an impact. Talk about premature wad shooting.