Discussion: GOP Homeland Security Chairman: Hillary Clinton Committed 'Treason'



This moron prolly thinks the ‘Interwebs’ are a series of tubes and pipes, just like Ted Stevens thought. He’s not qualified to hold office much less pass judgement on anyone else. Dang uppity wimmin!


Treason? Like sending a letter to our enemy sabotaging a sitting president’s and our allies’ foreign policy.
What vile piece of excrement


“House Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul (R-TX)…”

From a guy representing a state proud of its actual treason of raising arms against the United States.

Spare us the faux-patriot outrage, traitor clown.


Of course, what she done done is TREASON! As a matter of fact, all y’all pussy-futtin LibTURDS have been fightin’ a CULTURE WAR against this country AND AGAINST GOD for years. Taking a way our guns. Poisoning our children minds with SECULAR HUMANISM. Killing Terry Schiavo. Putting all that phonography on the Internets. Ripping future Christians from the WOMB!!! Didn’t y’all ever hear of TRAVELGATE – the worstest scandal in American HISTORY? If that ain’t WAR I dunno what is!!! A vote for hitlery IS TREASON


READ THIS ARTICLE TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS IS ABOUT – Factions of the FBI are in collusion with Giuliani and FOX NEWS, providing “leaks”


Another Republican showing his lack of understanding of the laws and constitution of this country, his inability to do his job and lack of common sense.

Someone this planinly stupid should not be in office, now or ever.


So being hacked is now “treason”? Give me a break. If Trump weren’t running for president, they would never have the cover to say shit like this.

By the way, our government has been hacked, the DNC, major corporations like Sony and Target, yet the Clinton server was just “likely hacked.” So, it’s also possible it wasn’t hacked and she had a more secure system?


My thought exactly.

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Oh the inhumanity HRC read 3 emails that had improper classification markings. McCaul prefers the RNC buying W a private email server and lossing 22 mil emails pertaining to the lies about Iraq,
outing an undercover CIA agent andthe firing of US attorneys who would not do Bush’s political


Yeah, the real story to come from all of this is the presence in the FBI of a group of agents determined to undermine Clinton based on Fox News propaganda. Selective leaks to friendly sources and no pushback from senior leadership.


The FBI cleared HRC of all wrong doing. What are they going to indict for. It seems the only ones ethically challenged are the FBI, McCaul and the republicans.


Will McCaul indict trump for Trump U and for allegedly raping child

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Is there ANY chance this jerk will lose re-election??? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease???

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No, seriously, stop… :wink:

Of this much we can be sure, any person who accuses HRC of Treason for these reasons has violated a Commandment by bearing false witness. So He is at least a sinner.

An further, given the amazing amount of leaks and their content from the FBI makes clear that NONE of the e-mails are bad for HRC – clearly if there was an e-mail that would have resolved the issue or implicated her, we would have heard the link.


“even though the State Department advised against it”

This encapsulates something I’ve observed consistently when people criticize Clinton’s use of a private server and her email handling. She was Secretary of State – head of the department he’s saying “told her not to do that”. When critics talk about her, it’s as if they think “Secretary” means she was in the typing pool. They call her email decisions “worse” the actions of a sailor who landed in jail for photographing classified areas in a military vessel. People in high level positions generally do have a lot more latitude than, say, a sailor. She was in the position of setting policy, not just following it. That’s not to say rules didn’t apply to her; they did. But, the rules that apply to a Secretary of State are not the same rules that apply to a sailor. They’re just not. Once again, I have to wonder if an authoritative looking white male, even a dem, were doing the same things, would there be calls of treason and calls for prison? I think not.


Ha! My first thought as well…

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Just want to highlight that. Seems Comey was acting as a firewall between this group and DOJ/Obama because I find it hard to believe he’s SO incompetant and blind to what’s going on in his own dept. he didn’t see this going on or know about it.

Oh, FFS. Good way to get his 15 mins of fame…

I started to write more, but it’s all too stupid. Another nothingburger, with onions and ketchup.