It’s part or our agenda.
The definition of “DRONE” needs to be made here.
An Airhawk with a camera on it is not really a “DRONE” like a Predator.
Of course “context” and “nuance” are not things the Reich-Wingers believe in because they are “not in the Bible”.
The caption reads The Episcopal Church of St Mary-in-the-Highlands which is in Cold Spring, New York.
When did toy helicopters become drones? I must have missed that memo.
O noes! The homosexual agenda is gonna bomb us with gay germs!
That’s supposed to be a secret!
At my Big Nerdy Developers Conference, we took our annual group photo with a drone of the same kind. Even the libertarians attending didn’t whine too much.
Mum’s the word! Mummmmmmmm…
I never did get a PDF of that agenda
Yes, there is a height restriction for Radio Controlled Camera Platforms, not a drone…and a growing anti-drone group…there are problems for these platforms, but with a little common sense and some compromise, a photographer, like me, can use these devices to make a living…plus it is essential for any photog to look for all ways to make a photo…and yes there are those who would use this technology in bad ways…we have an example after example of the many bad ways drones can be uses…but there are many more ways to use RC’s in productive ways…
value of a camera platform=$1200
value of the gop/bagger freakout=priceless…
They were paying a photographer to do it, which is where the problem is. Doing it yourself would not be an issue.
Tempest in a teabag.
Alex Jones writes that an undercover homuhseckshul purchased the wedding cake while pretending to be straight. The story will be on Fox all month.
Intrusive wedding photographers should be outlawed. Unseen drones would definitely be the way to go.
Waah Waah Waah. He used a remote control toy to film his wedding I am shocked.
Wow, no one’s saying a thing about his neutrino wedding cake server or the dark matter ice sculpture…
Maybe they employed a service to do it, which technically is commercial, I suppose, but it’s a far cry from a use like delivering orders with them, which I think is what the rule is actually aimed at. I doubt the drone was flying at altitudes that would have conflicted with commercial air traffic.
Why do you think they call themselves “Tea Partiers”? Teapot tempests are a GOP specialty.
The flag in the picture is the official flag of the Episcopal Church.
Or if you are asking why Republicans might be down on the Episcopal Church in general, it’s because it’s one of them darned librul churches. They have women bishops, and gay bishops, and they perform gay weddings. And they allow alcohol and dancing! (Which is why they are sometimes known as “Whiskeypalians.”)
They’re just pissed because he got a bigger turnout than Sam Brownback…
Where is Darryl Issa when you REALLY need him?