I’m sticking with thoughts and prayers as the route to ending gun violence.
It won’t stop 100% of shootings, so it is a waste of time.
Yes, Josh, it’s ridiculous that everyone is applauding a move towards the smallest effect possible when it comes to gun violence… but it’s a step. And after the next mass murder, we can (hopefully) take another step. And then another.
Ridding this country of the influence of the gun lobby is going to cost a lot of innocent blood.
Nice to see the GOP finally coming around to something Democrats have been trying to push since at least Sandy Hook.
Great ban them, but what do you do about the untold thousands (more?) already in the hands of ammosexuals?
“I’ll give you my bump stock when you pry it out of my cold dead hands”…
What, no condolences?
A small step. Baby steps in fact, but will it pass in the House? All Dems and 10 Rs are onboard. How many will cross over to Reason and how many will remain on the Dark Side? Much more is needed, but let’s take what we can get for the time being.
A whole 10 Republicans – some of whom already announced retirement – could be bothered to lift a finger.
And throw a bone at something glaringly obvious to anyone with a functioning brain stem.
They must be winded after that courageous and heavy lift.
Hope nobody pulled a muscle.
Lets do the absolute least we can do, literally. Ban bump stocks that 90% of us didn’t even know existed prior to this horror show. How many other "bump stock"s are out there? High capacity magazines? Armour piercing? How about assault rifles entirely?
The worst tragedy of its kind and we don’t even go for low hanging fruit. We go for the rotting shit on the ground after harvest has been and gone.
From Holland. Their take on the US and gunlove.
Since the night Robert Kennedy was shot to death…
More civilians in America have died from guns…
Than all the troops…
In all the wars…
In US history…
Including the Revolutionary War, Civil War, both World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq combined.
Bump stock, gun? So long as the fingers are cold and dead, I’m fine.
Messrs. Curbelo & Coulton:
How about cut the crap, and instead of banning the bump-stock, ban any gun that could be “bump-stocked”, or made to simulate full auto with other devices such as AutoGlove.
Yeah, you will be getting death threats from the peaceful and law-abiding ammosexuals, but at least you showed that you are not a cowards.
Dear Sir or Madam:
Your thoughts and prayers have been received, and will be referred to the appropriate committee.
The Universe
Noooo!! There’s no way, there’s no way! The Second Amendment is unlimited and it even predates the Bill of Rights! And keep your big government hands off my FEHB pleease!!
(In all seriousness – this thought that there are quite a few morons who would vote against even this teeny-tiny step is depressing).
Wow, my GOP Rep. is one of the co-sponsors. This doesn’t mean that I don’t want him to be defeated in the next election, though.
I would like someone to ask this R-fuckhead why he thinks this would work. Last I’d heard, making anything illegal won’t stop the criminals.
OK I understand the anger and cynicism and distrust, and it’s a drop in the ocean and doesn’t address the real problem and it won’t go into effect for however long and they could sell lots of them in the meantime and I know all that. But you know what? If a Republican votes for this bill, it’s actually kind of a good thing. If enough vote for it, the law will get passed. It’s something. Something is better than nothing.