Even if it was an accident, Republicans should not be trying to claim the mantle of fiscal responsibility after what’s happened with the Trump tax cuts and the federal deficit (and what happened in the same way during the Bush administration followed by the great recession). They don’t deserve that title, and they really haven’t deserved it since Reagan took office, considering how irresponsible they have been with the People’s money and how they have shoveled it to the wealthy while decreasing the parts of the government that people actually desire.
“meant to draw a contrast between Lesser and his own fiscal conservatism.”
If that were the case, wouldn’t it work better if you had your opponent throwing the money into a toilet, or a garbage heap? You know, wasteful rather than conservative? The money clutching brings to my mind that tax cut going to 1%.
What no pictures of Shylock? They really can’t help themselves can they?
“We are sincerely sorry that we got caught blowing that dog whistle…”
Unintended my … whatever…This sorry/not sorry crap a week from election is getting tiring.
The GOP is even dragging the UK into their negative ads - a town in Essex (UK) was used in an ad by Nick Stella as an example of post-Democratic economic ruin. Stella is running against Bill Foster in Illinois 11th Congressional District.
We’re so terribly sorry we were caught…
Did anyone not think GOOP candidate would issue a long winded, mealy mouthed explanation 24 hours later.
Matt Shea, my state rep, has still not apologized or granted interviews after claiming that “kill all the males” is the correct approach for those who don’t follow biblical law. And I bet he wins too.
A vote for Nick Stella is a vote for Hastert, Newtie, Boner and Ryan.
How many times do we have to see this before it’s OK to call it what it is? Make the offensive assertion, let it play a day or two then apologize. That’s everyday now. Of course there’s no way they didn’t build the money mongering Jew into that ad unintentionally. Look at how they exaggerated Lesser’s features to make them just like the antisemitic cartoons on 4chan or Gab. It was a calculated stunt. Planned to be offensive and then “fixed” with a ridiculous apology. But the word got out. Everyday now.
Translation: We’re really sorry we got caught, and we’ll never do it again. Until the next election, anyhow.
P.S. Apologies to the others who posted this thought earlier; I responded before reading the whole thread. Great minds DO think alike, however.
You’re not wrong.
I live in this district in CT. This piece of crap is lying, he is an extremist.
Hartford Courant told him he should drop out
A mailer that we approved had a serious unintended consequence.
Nope. Not buying it. It had exactly the consequence you intended.
Well at least he didn’t double down (see Steve King). I guess.
Trump has been teaching the GOP the effectiveness of norm violation for about three years now. If they aren’t disabused of this next Tuesday then look out below.