Bigly yuge losers, who needs them?
You do Donnie, bigly and yugely!
Sucks to be you…
He’s honestly insane.
Time for the Trump surrogates to weigh in. They sound like what surrogates for Ted Bundy would have sounded like had he “surrogates”.
I was just thinking-the campaign is almost over (Praise Be!) and I still haven’t heard Trump say a single word about the nuts and bolts of governing.
Perfect timing. Perfect.
The Trump campaign has officially severed ties with Ohio’s Republican Party.
Sounds like “You can’t fire me. I quit!”
Just say “boo” and you’re on Trump’s enemies list.
It’s pretty hard to “get on board” with a loose cannon. The guy is so ADD that he can’t stay focused on any issue that is Presidential. Policies? Plans? He’ll just designate that to someone else who has an attention span a little bigger than a gnat. Trump is a psychiatrist’s lifetime project; I suspect there are many psychological issues from waaaay back.
Early voting started in OH on Wednesday.
When’s the Funeral?
Ohio, headquarters for the new GOP.
OH GOP @ChairmanBorges pushes back against Trump state chair in letter to state GOPers
It’ll go all zombie after it dies.
Even if you’ve known it on the purely rational level for all these months, it still can pull you up short when it hits you right in the face, doesn’t it? We’re not used to candidates who are literally mentally ill, and we’re not used to major parties nominating people who are literally mentally ill. It’s like when you’re in a plane. You read your magazine, you listen to music, you eat your pretzels and drink your drink, and then you look out the window and suddenly, just for once in a five-hour flight, you go Damn, we’re up high. Like, really, really high. And then your sense of normality kicks back in. But you’re five miles or so up for most of the trip. You just don’t really feel it somehow most of the time.
We are not smart enough to understand this well thought out strategy.
We would if we had winning temperaments.