“Please explain what this casual, euphemistic language means in this series of texts I am accusing you of treating as deadly serious”
Sit down, everybody, I’m about to say something that may shock you: I think it’s possible that Bob Goodlatte is a fucking idiot.
and then Mr. Strozk gets up, flips him the bird, and walks out.
In my movie version anyway.
Goodlatte then insinuated that Strzok finds Trump supporters ignorant in an attempt to show that Strzok’s personal politics affected his work on FBI investigations.
Well, if the foo shits..................
Badmilk seems to have dementia.
It smells like white sheets hung out on the line to dry.
Oh, I dunno. Dog shit mixed with ignorance, venality, and racism?
It smells like you sir, it smells like you.
Sulfur dioxide
Sorry, Peter. The correct answer was “it smells like Pee Tapes.” HUGE missed opportunity.
“Goodlatte then insinuated that Strzok finds Trump supporters ignorant”
That’s not fair. They’re racist, but some of them aren’t ignorant.
He’s playing shamelessly to Trump’s base. Next he’s going to ask if Strzok agrees that they’re “deplorable” and drag Hillary hate into the mix.
Ben-gay and fabric softener. (Gotta keep those white hoods sparkling)
Should have said borsch.
That’s like the Jeopardy answer with the question being:
What does ATLdrew drink while watching the Goodlatte hearing?
The smell of rotting borscht mixed with stale Cheetos and an old mattress from a Moscow hotel.
it is incredible how these old white men think they own the entire country. Choosing not to respect the more than half who did not vote for a president who would insult. women, dead war heroes in the case of John McCann live war hero. Immigrants. black people. latino (that Mexican judge who was born in the US lol, Disabled people, did I leave anyone out. oh yes American Muslims gee gosh. who the hell do they think they are??? They are behaving as treasonous suspects refusing to acknowledge what 3 USIntelligence agencies say Russia Helped Trump and interfered in our election.