Discussion: Glenn Beck Tearfully Reveals Serious Illness That 'Made Me Look Crazy'

Adrenal fatigue? His brain cell is tired.


Yes, the serious illness is called…insanity!

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I think he’s still lying.


While certainly debilitating, no one would deem Beck’s obvious affliction of “assholeitis” to be considered mysterious.

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You got screwed on the treatment. But we all know it’s called hipacriticonservitis. You were born with the inability to recognize reality.

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sounds like god was trying to lee atwater him

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Scoring low in mental acuity tests defines what it means to be a Conservative. Where is the mystery here?


Asshattery is a medical condition?


Did a truck headed to the stockyards just drive by? 'Cause I’m getting a strong whiff of booolsheet here.


It’s a miracle…

Yeah NO !!!

Not buying it…

Now that the GOP is in charge of Congress the need to rage against Obama is lessened as Obama has only 2 years left. Now it’s act normal and play nice for 2016.

Not buying this bullshit at all. call me a cynic if you must. I have seen too much Beck BS to believe anything he says.

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It’s called GOPism. There is no cure.

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Leave it to Beck to come up with a crock of crap like this to elicit sympathy from his devotees.


Oooh, SEIZURES. I had a seizure every month since I was 12, and always woke up in a strange hospital with a 4-digit bill to show for it. Seizures would knock me out of work for about five days. I was unemployable and uninsurable, still deemed unfit for SSDI, and ended up about $50K in debt just from medical bills. Then recently I was able to get brain surgery and came out OK. Now if this nitwit had his way… SORRY no sympathy here. Take it like a man, you pussy.


Does this mysterious ailment also explain Beck’s ADD and the inability to think logically?

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TMI…who cares?
What illness made him sound crazy?

“traumatic brain injury test at a hospital in New York City”

“a brain rehabilitation center in Texas”

I couldn’t bring myself to watch the video clips but unless hospitals and doctors are named I consider his story total bullshit.


My first instinct was to simply say we already know what serious illness made him appear crazy… conservatism.

But if indeed he is legitimately ill, hopefully he will overcome it (and find a new vocation).

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Is it really really surprising that this steaming heap of organic matter has a brain disorder? That was pretty obvious from the beginning.

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Correction: sympathy from his marks. In strict technical terms, the con-man, grifter types call them “marks” when they are developing their next scam…


Um, it wasn’t the disease that made you look crazy. It was the shit coming out of your mouth.