Discussion for article #230031
Where to begin.
Must be nice to have the luxury of health insurance in order to afford such complex health care
later stage Syphilis?
Beck, you still sound crazy.
Too bad it was chronic.
Glenn, I don’t think there is a cure for a**hole-ism.
To quote the author Patric Dennis:
“They thought it was tertiary syphilis, but it turned out to be a bad case of the debutante slouch.”
So which debilitating illness makes him sound and act crazy?
When he finally comes to his senses, will he ever apologize for all the batshit crazy things he said about Obama? Yeah, right.
And so a new day begins with fresh news from right wing world which none of come to this site to read but there is little else. Yesterday, it was Ben, today it’s Glenn, tomorrow, probably back to Tucker Carlson.
See Capone, Alphonse.
I made the mistake of looking at The Blaze the other day and while he comes off pretty rationally, it’s his followers in their custom made tin hats and their remarks that give him the air of “WTF?”
I have never believed anything Glenn Beck had to say, and I’m not going to start now.
Also know in the early Renaissance as the ‘French Disease’…
He suffers from a serious condition known as Conservative Republicanism, sometimes called Tea Party Syndrome. Apparently it spreads easily as now a large number of citizens have been infected. Best to quarantine them all.
This reflects well on Fox.
Yeah, I knew a lot of old radio guys from the 80s who coincidentally experienced the many of the same symptoms.
Cocaine is a helluva drug.
Coming soon to a computer near you:
The GlennBeck PityMe website where donations will be accepted.
Special section where hypochondriacs can enjoy ill-health together.
But Wait! There’s more
There will be a contest of BestSymptoms . Winners will receive a personal note from Glenn along with a CD with the BestOfShows. AND an autographed photo of Glenn and his Chalkboard.