Soooo, he’s still nuts, right?
He tested positive for the A.S.S. Virus.
He has the Acquired Stupidity Syndrome!
Psst, Glenn, you are displaying continuing symptoms.
World’s tiniest violin plays a sad tune.
OK, so we all know it’s a blatant cynical lie, just like everything Glenn Beck says.
The only remaining question is: How does he make money off this?
Wait - what Texas hospital - EBOLA!!!
We know that he sold his soul to be a RWNJ mouthpiece, and now we know that he sold his brain, too. Even so, this could just be a public ploy to generate traffic to his site and have a get-out-of-jail-card to justify prior awful behavior.
But eventually Beck said he landed at a brain rehabilitation center in
Texas, where doctors determined he had several connected health issues
“from an autoimmune disorder to adrenal fatigue.”
“Beck said”, because doctors didn’t.
Glen’s suffering from traumatic stress. Life as a right-wing media stooge is catching up with him. Same thing that drove Rush to dope is turning Glen into one.
Nothing new here. I’ve been saying for a decade now how this crazy fucker needs to be committed.
Made him “look crazy”???
C’mon. only a crzay person would try to have an on air conversation with muffins on a table.
I think it’s his conservative mind set that cause the illness.
[quote=“gelfling545, post:17, topic:13001, full:true”]
He suffers from a serious condition known as Conservative Republicanism, sometimes called Tea Party Syndrome. Apparently it spreads easily as now a large number of citizens have been infected. Best to quarantine them all. [/quote] Yep. Send him and the rest of the crazies to Texas then “Build that danged fence.” to keep them there.
Sorry Texas - but you really do deserve this after all the f’ing crazies you’ve given to America recently.
The Underground Marxist Club for the Shadow Overlords, currently being run by Saul Alinsky’s reanimated corpse, are behind this. Somewhere, somehow, there is a chalk board diagram of how this all works out.
I do believe he scores in the bottom 10% in a brain test. Just not for brain injury.
It must be comforting to know one’s mental illness has been confirmed.
Glenn Beck Reveals Serious Illness That ‘Made Me Look Crazy’
It’s been making the rounds these past two years.
What’s the excuse of the people who have believe his stuff all these years?
I wish you the best of luck with your heath issues, Glenn.
But I doubt this totally explains your behavior.
So he finally went to a doctor who believes in evolution?
I don’t believe him. He’s cried wolf too many times and is nothing if not a shameless self-promoter. Also, the jury is out on whether “adrenal fatigue” is real or not.
Had to be something…nobody could be THAT much of a douche without something being seriously wrong with them. God-speed on a healthy recovery - and rejoining with the human race.