Discussion: Glenn Beck Now Urges 'Empathy' For Black Lives Matter Movement

The invasion of the GOP body snatchers continues unabatedā€¦


Wow. Somebodyā€™s trying to become relevant again. Perhaps I misjudge him and he really has had some sort of revelation. Not actually impossible, I guess. Likely, though? Hmmm.


Of course former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and Fox News host Bill Oā€™Reilly have condemned Black Lives Matterā€¦they belong to the nationā€™s largest white tribal identity organization.

They are Republicans.

Now where did I put my egg timer?

Being on the outs with the Trump wing of the GOP has given GB a sense of what it is to be oppressed, I guessā€¦ kinda.

Learning comes from unpredictable sources sometimes

Yeah, I donā€™t know what to think here. But if he has evolved on this issue, then I have a great deal of respect for him. Too many people dig in their heels despite facts to the contrary because itā€™s easy to stay static and difficult to change.

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Kill me now. This is a thoughtful op-ed.


Still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Good things come in threeā€™s: Scalia, Schlafly, and ???


Empathy is not acknowledging or conceding that the pain and anger others feel is justified. Empathy is acknowledging someone elseā€™s pain and anger while feeling for them as human beingsā€”even, and maybe especially, when we donā€™t necessarily agree or understand them.ā€

If this is his idea of empathy, he can keep it. He lets himself completely off the hook of doing any of the work necessary to correct a systemic injustice that he chooses not to acknowledge. He consistently conflates BLM and the Dallas shooter several times. Itā€™s just more condescending phony Glenn Beck tears. ā€œI feel your right to be incredibly wrong about police violence directed at yourself and your family.ā€


Much like our beloved GOP nominee, Beck seems to flail around wildly from one day to the next, saying whatever pops into his head with no regard for thoughtfulness or consistency. I saw him preaching recently about how we all need to get along, we need to be more civil and empathetic, etc.; and then he ran a weekā€™s worth of programs about how progressives are ā€œevilā€ (no exaggeration). He probably does mean this stuff about BLM, at the moment, but in a day or two heā€™ll turn right around and scream & yell about how they all hate America and hate whitey and are evil commies. Go figure.

Well, he earned himself a headline by saying it.

So thereā€™s that going for him.

Crikey! I was getting into the comments to make a ā€˜pod peopleā€™ joke, but there it is, the first comment, complete with a full-color movie poster. Wow!!

Much too little, much too late.

Why is the NYT giving Beck column inches?

Could be. And Glenn Beck has been one monumental right wing douchebag drama queen for a LONG time. On the other hand, I remember reading Ron Reaganā€™s early political journalism which was totally apologia and propaganda for his fatherā€™s presidency. I also remember his accusations that Jimmy Carter had been a ā€œsnakeā€ during the Presidential campaign when in truth the snakes who stole Carterā€™s briefing books and negotiated with the Ayatollah Khomeini were solidly in Reaganā€™s closest inner circle and operated with his full knowledge and consent. And Ron Reagan has been a consistent truthful voice during the GWB administration and onward. So, evolution happens. Trust, but verify with Glenn Beck. Maybe he is just trying to become relevant again.


I worry about Glennā€™s mental health. I mean, when he starts to show empathy and makes sense, showing a connection to the fact-based world, he must be losing his shitā€¦

I almost choked when I read this. Oh, lord, this is what he thinks ā€œempathyā€ means? These conservatives are more fucked up than I realized. Man, I didnā€™t think that was possible.

Maybe he finally looked back at the history of the Mormons and their persecution? Dumbassā€¦

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Plagiarizing liberals. Even conservatives agree with that philosophy.

The conservative denunciation of BLM isnā€™t about empathy or compassion. Itā€™s politics. Itā€™s money. Itā€™s power. And the last thing conservatives want is to concede power to the riff-raff.

They insist BLM must cease to exist as an organization (as a union of individuals, associating freely), and accept conservativeā€™s priorities. The elite need tax shelters. Thereā€™s plenty of time to deal with murder later. Here, have a gun.