This is a pretty significant about-face by a formerly popular conservative shock jock. (Maybe he’s still popular, IDK). So it seems like exactly the thing they should be printing.
While I think it’s admirable that he did this, it rings a bit hollow or at least “far too little, far too late” considering he and and people like him stoked the fear of minorities and caused the emergence of the alt-right, nationalist, xenophobic wing of his party to take over.
That, or else he had a vision like the Apostle Paul and hasn’t quite figured out what to make of it. Or else he’s sobered up. I’m hoping his true believers don’t pound a cross into his chest in order to exorcize his renewed thinking. Maybe he’s looked at Trump and said the conservatives have just gone too far!
I recall a profile of him in a Sunday magazine (Parade or such) where he made a big point of being pro-environment and recycling and such.
I think he’s much saner than he shills. But sanity didn’t used to sell.
He may be trying to define a new market in the chaos of Trump, possibly to trailblaze and include minorities into the GOP and appeal to the more rational conservatives and younger generation that doesn’t fear or loathe blacks and gays or possibly where he can be more true to his real self. He’d be the new voice of conservative media as the old audience doesn’t old age or rejects what led them to Trump.
He is reinventing his public self. But what’s his angle?
It’s funny to me that the “conserative” party doesn’t seem to care too much about the environment or saving energy, especially since a Republican started the EPA. Granted it was probably just a ploy to pull in votes from people concerned about the environment, but still.