Discussion for article #224829
That’s decent of him.
I always thought Beck was more nuts than evil.
WhoTF are you?
And what have you done with Glenn Beck?
BREAKING NEWS: Glenn Beck Vigorously Defends Himself Against Allegations Of Compassion and Humanity
Don’t get carried away in praising him folks. This is similar to David Duke volunteering at a soup kitchen in Harlem one day so he can say “See, I’m not racist” whenever he gets in a debate.
It’s all about Glenn.
Nice try, you opportunistic hack…Go read the hate mail from your own party and savor the fact the no one likes you anymore.
Louie “the stupidest man in Congress” Gohmert - the man who said Al Queda was hiding among the migrants, the man who said migrants were sex-traffickers, the man who regularly insults immigrants, won’t be able to brush his racism under the rug by handing out a few fucking teddy bears to these poor kids.
Beck and the Congresscritters with him would do better actually promoting rational immigration reform than useless symbolic charity. It’s good to know his base is The Crazy and even the most banal of symbols of humanitarianism will get him excoriated by his viewers.
Beck knows the GOP is getting hammered over their immigration stance, and he is hoping this stunt will soften the blows.
This is a purely cynical ploy, not a change of heart.
Beck is simply taking a page out of Paul Ryan’s public relations stunt, and photo op book. The immigrants are nothing more than props to Beck and company.
He said he'd be joined by Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), who has argued that President Barack Obama allowed migrants to flood the border in order to increase the share of Democratic voters in future elections.
Ten points extra credit for seeing the subtext here.
doG’s gonna gitchu .
Two questions for Crazypants here.
Why would being humanitarian toward children cost him subscriptions?
Does that make him question the morals of people who give him money?
He calls what he has “a career”? A scamming money maker, yes, but a career?
Isn’t that the kind of thing you just do without advertising it?
Glenn Beck is all about Glenn Beck.
How to Create Political/Human Crisis and Benefit Therefrom in 8 Easy Steps
By Ralph Von Holst
A. Republicans/Conservatives create problems using their usual quiver full of dirty tricks and political chicanery and intransigence.
B. The problems they create rise to crisis proportions.
C. The democratic Administration headed by Obama scrambles to find viable solutions.
D. The solutions are overtly and covertly stymied by Republicans/Conservatives.
E. The national media outlets, especially Television/cable only highlight the crisis and results of crisis, and ignores the process and history.
F. Republican/Conservatives and MSM criticize Obama and Administration for the crisis and lack of solutions and progress
G. Republicans/Conservatives offer perfunctory “gestures” of “assistance” to show that they are, in fact good fellows after all. MSM concludes in a balanced sort of way that the cockles of their hearts are warmed and yours should be too.
H. Republicans/Conservatives have drinks together at bar and congratulate each other on their political acumen, having flim-flammed the MSM and Public once again
Exactly. I really don’t think the reason these people (some of whom are kids traveling without adults) came here was for a teddy bear, a soccer ball and a hot meal. But I’m enjoying the fact that he’s getting hate mail from his base and that his business appears to be faltering.
Is he drinking again? He is right it isn’t an either or, but is totally off base blaming it all on Obama, he needs to encourage the marauders in the TPGOP to get off their hateful asses and actually do something other than steal money from the taxpayers.
If there are criminals in this country it is those taking money for destroying it.
“And while we continue to put pressure on Washington and change its
course of lawlessness, we must also help. It is not either/or. It is
both. We have to be active in the political game, and we must open our
It’s 100% political. It does have the benefit of very briefly helping a few of the kids, but it’s nothing more than a political stunt to show that Republicans “care” about children. They don’t.