Discussion: Giuliani Walks Back Remarks On Trump-Cohen Moscow Project Talks

“It’s not obstruction, if we all can see it’s a lie”

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  • just gotta figure out which part is the lie! -

  • of course all of Rudy’s nonsense would realistically NOT qualify a true legal /prosecutable obstruction … but maybe the world should make a special set of rules for Rudy - put him on a “performance improvement plan” and then sort of like a "sports challenge - limit " restrict him to two “running off at the mouth” walk backs per month - anything beyond that and the statements stand as called (originally spewed by crazy Rudy)

Overall - it is time that the general media treat Rudy as the unreliable crackpot village idiot - with credibility on the level of Orly Taitz

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Ah, Orly !

Jeez, is that a diamond encrusted pinkie ring? Is he engaged or something?

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… engaged in deception…

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Yikes. That is just great. Whatever gawd-awful crap I do, it probably won’t matter because I will be dead.

I understand that they are also trying to assert that Trump was covered by “executive privilege” immediately upon election. Good luck with that flimsy theory; he did not become President until his inauguration. Just more lies.

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I like mountebank as well.

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