Attacking the principle of recusal was a bold line that I expected mature, rational adults would not cross. It’s nice for optimism to occasionally be rewarded.
How is saying that Sessions made the right decision swatting away rumors that he’s being considered?
The CNN piece says outright that Rudy denied the Axios story.
Also, it’s petty of me, but I rejoice any time any Mike Allen outfit gets proven wrong.
This isn’t going to stop Trump from driving Sessions out of his job.
But might make him have second thoughts about going in the Guiliani direction.
That and I bet that Rudy is teaming with Russian business in his “security” consulting firm.
Whoever was floating the Guiliani option has to be cringing, knowing a tirade is coming his/her way from Trump at some point in the near future.
A question for Consigliere Giuliani: Given your favorable opinion of Sessions recusing himself, and given your involvement in the Trump campaign, should Sessions leave the post of AG and Trump appoint you to replace him, will you recuse yourself?
I thought so.
"Sessions, Giuliani told CNN, “made the right decision under the rules of the Justice Department.”
In other words “take my name out of consideration. Working for the Trump admin is a suicide pack.” When Rudy won’t join up you know things are going down the drain real fast.
Because if PP was considering appointing Guliani, he’s definitely not considering it now.
I think the Rudy stories are also the latest proof that Trump wants Sessions gone, but has no idea who to replace him with. He’s pretty much out of friends crazy enough to work for him.
Rudy would never be confirmed anyway. His past is a hot mess and he’s completely insane.
No but it makes it take a bit longer. Trump is a wuss, if he wants Sessions gone all he has to do is fire him. All this playing around makes Trump look weak.
I find it funny that we are in a place where Guillani slithering out from whatever rock he’s been hiding under to make a statement (that I’m sure was completely motivated by self interest) that actually SUPPORTS THE RULE OF LAW in this country cheers me.
I’d love to watch confirmation hearings for AG Guiliani. Comey was investigating whether FBI agents were leaking information to Rudy during the campaign. Let’s hear Rudy answer questions about that in a confirmation hearing, which would be public and under oath.
Let me finish his sentence… “…but, as AG, I would be under no such obligation.”
That’s what’s so amusing about this particularly story, in my opinion. He can just fire Sessions, but he’s lost the courage to fire people. So he tweets and does weird “interviews” with the NY Times where he basically just vents. He’s gutless.
Exactly, and I read this as Guliani effectively taking himself out of consideration. He knows he wouldn’t get confirmed, and I don’t think he wants that kind of spotlight on himself right now anyway. He’s been around the criminal justice system long enough to know this shitshow isn’t going anywhere good for anyone involved.
Really, who cares what Giuliani says?
[quote=“ctvoter, post:3, topic:59580”]
Also, it’s petty of me, but I rejoice any time any Mike Allen outfit gets proven wrong.
[/quote] I’m just as petty as you.
I can’t stand the guy but he has more sense than anyone working in the administration.
I’m imagining the Shakespearean style tragic tweet that Hair Furor will have to make in response to this “betrayal”, with plenty of pathos. Giuliani is not towing the Trump line in the expected fashion here.
“Et tu Giuliani?”