I love that dopey donald is picking on the little elf. That little elf is a very powerful GOP senior member and vindictive as hell.
Donald is the same way. The elf will cross him soon and it will not be pretty for the GOP but I’m going to sit back and watch the show.
Just as well - Congress would never confirm Giuiliani for AG. He’s too close to Trump.
The speculation I read minutes before this story happened, was the use of a recess nomination - so no confirmation would be required - but that also means a short term position. Of course we are hoping that this will be a short term presidency. All moot, now.
Rudy, go back to your casket.
I’d like to see him try Giuliani for AG. He’s a Person of Interest.
OT-Trump just made a speech on healthcare, but I don’t think he mentioned whch bill they’ll be voting on!
From what I understand, he absolutely hates firing people despite having the catchphrase, “you’re fired”. He’s a coward, that’s why he fired Comey in the most absolutely gutless manner possible. I thought it was cruel at the time, but really it was the behavior of a coward who didn’t have the stones to tell him to his face.
At this point, I really don’t know who could get confirmed.
Nor do I.
No one knows from what I’ve read.
Trump just had a chance, at 3:45 today. Maybe he doesn’t know
Never thought I’d say this, but I agree with Giuliani and I am rooting for Sessions. If the AG is forced to resign, we are full steam ahead constitutional crisis: Trump will appoint a loyalist as AG. Trump will be emboldened; he will have Mueller fired, and the country will see impeachment as its only option to reign in Trump’s runaway presidency and get at the truth.
Congress won’t confirm a Trump loyalist. And we might as well get this show on the road.
I would agree with that, but only up to a point. The country is doing without a lot of governmental officials. But a Country without an AG for very long will damage the Justice Department for a very long time to come.
I’m with you. I would rather have this all blow sky high as soon as possible, while everyone still has some memories of what a somewhat functional government is like, and the institutions it depends on are still mostly intact.
I’m giving what you say a lot of thought. Let’s face it: impeachment is looking better and better as a way to cleanse our government and, in the spirit of Gerald Ford, getting back to healing the nation.
It’s a secret/stay tuned.
Good to see you. A lobbyist on CNBC just intimated that there’s an animal called a motion to recommit, so even if the MTP fails the thing might still not be dead. No self-respecting horrror-film producer would touch this. Meanwhile the situation is the apocalypse du jour.
That’s kind of crazy when we are talking about bad AGs. I’d just as soon skip it if it’s going to be another reactionary who; wants to destroy all progress and drag us back into locking everybody up who smokes pot and is an out and out racist.
Im away from a Google device, but ill bet a root beer that some schocky or horror movie producers hailed from either Bama (the state) or KY (again the state).
When carpetbagger Giuliani gives you a wide berth this publicly it’s probably time to start negotiating the terms of your resignation from office. Maybe aim to stay out of prison and have enough cash left to start a modest fish and bait store in Florida.