ASo with he help of the ukraine there going to push the false dossier narrative and then with the help of fox news, convince there base to believe a foreign government instead of there own…more like there asking a foreign government to fuck with the election in favor of trump…to what end of desperation will this admin go…
So who is paying Rudi to do all this globetrotting? I can’t imagine it’s trump laying down $1K or so an hour plus emperor-class travel and accomodations.
This cannot be said often enough. The only thing so far not corroborated is the tape and we even have a recent story about that.
Funny how that keeps happening. At his point I’m confident that’s his job, to bring the unspeakable into the mainstream.
Traitors among us.
Knowing the stupidity and lack of judgement Hunter Biden has displayed in the past, it’s possible the moron thought he was bulletproof being Joe Biden’s son and actually did something stupid or illegal. You know, when in Rome…
Would not be the first time.(cocaine)
Before we exculpate Hunter, let’s see what they come up with and judge it then.
He could be innocent or the victim of a political hatchet job. It’s Hunter Biden, we can’t be sure yet until more facts roll in,
The Hunter Biden angle is a false flag. The matter on him was closed before Biden tried to have corrupt prosecutors replaced. The NYT article is riddled with timeline and factual errors. See this for what it is, a hit job on Biden and a shakedown of a vulnerable gov’t. Don’t legitimize what Rudy is doing.
" I’m going to give them reasons why they shouldn’t stop it "
How many reasons…and will they be laundered through Deutsche Bank? Or are you talking about reasons like “Putin’s prepared to invade if you don’t do this and we’re going to look the other way, so smarten up and do as we say”?
Are you fucking kidding? The timeline doesn’t even work, making this a demonstrable hit job smear attempt. Rudy’s going over there to help Trump abuse his power to muscle a foreign gov’t into making an in kind contribution to his election campaign by making false criminal accusations against American citizens he considers political enemies. AMERICAN CITIZENS.
You get that, right? That this isn’t an opportunity to look the other way and treat their behavior as a potential convenience to whichever other candidate you support? That this is the purest of the pure in banana republic tin pot dictator behavior we’ve seen from him and the GOP yet and it’s taking place in broad daylight while nobody says or does anything?
So is Ghoulie registered as a foreign agent yet?
This is Trump attempting to recreate Putin style government, where the power resides not with the official government but with the gang who’ve captured the government. Oligarchs with “ties to Putin” can go anywhere and do anything totally under the radar. Today “oligarchs with ties to Trump “ include Giuliani, Eric Prince, and who knows who else? And who knows what they’re doing? Giuliani’s problem is that he is too high profile and the free press is watching him now. We know to watch Prince and we know to watch Kushner, but who else is out there “with ties to the White House”?
On the plus side, if they’re going to these lengths to try to bring down Biden now, maybe he really is our best shot in 2020…
Like I said, it’s Hunter Biden. I’ll have to wait and see.
Sure, the prosecutor in Ukraine could have been trying some kind of politically motivated shakedown/blackmail with Hunter.
If Joe hadn’t arranged Hunter’s position over there in a country that is only less corrupt than Russia for an easy 5 grand a month for years only because his dad was a Senator/VP, this would not be coming up.
The way I look at it, chickens/home roost.
If it’s the end of Biden as a candidate. we have others with less baggage.
Better for it all to come out in the wash now instead of October 2020.
Can someone explain to me WHY this is getting ZERO AIRPLAY or COLUMN INCHES within the MSM?
Are they REALLY that far in the bag for Trump that they condone and look the other way at this Quid Pro Quo demand of political hatchet jobs against the Presidents opponents in return for favorable American Foreign Policy?!?!?!
This is outright Racketeering, the SELLING of Political Favors for blatant LIES in the service of a POLITICAL CAMPAIGN!
I am glad that FDR didn’'t have to deal with WPA, TVA and CCC program recipients telling him that they turned it down because they felt so helpless.
We have an Impeachment mechanism which is going to get far more information about Trump than we have now. Trump and the GOP thought they suckered Dems out of Impeachment by saying some bullshit about “The GOP wants Impeachment” (they do NOT).
We have the power (just iike the WPA, TVA and CCC empowered Americans) to go at Trump.
Let’s do this. We are not helpless. We may have been if valiant Democratic voters had not turned out in droves in 2018.
But that did not happen. We are not helpless. We are just too gloomy.
Has anyone asked Ghoulsie if he’s registered under FARA, the same FARA that Butina is doing 18 months in jail for not registering under?
How droll.
So, collusion is not a crime, right?
I’ve pretty much settled on the idea that tRump has already given our nuclear codes, our military secrets, names of CIA agents operating abroad and our global positioning in defense of our allies to Putin in one of their hour long calls, initiated by him, on one of his unsecured cell phones. His willingness to please Vlad has never ceased, and never will.
I know there’s a whole lot we still don’t know, and its fucking scary to think beyond what’s already before our very eyes, but this orange fucker and his toadying apparatchiks like Rudy have been working this thing with a whole lot of help from other GOPers in and outside Congress, that have still yet to be named. Even Dumbass Guiliani doesn’t know what tRump has worked out with the Russians vis-a-vis Putin, and even if he does know the nature of the traitorous behavior being employed, it wouldn’t bother him one fucking bit…Rudy is tRump’s new fixer. That’s how corrupt these guys are.
In for a penny, in for a pound, or in for a ruble, in for a kopek.
Not much difference to them at this point.