Discussion: Giuliani Is Heading To Ukraine To Push For Launch Of Probes 'Helpful' To Trump

Imagine if Obama had done this… He’d have been impeached before his lawyer even got through security at Dulles…


Giuliani needs to face criminal charges from the State of New York (for violating its election laws) and from the US after Trump exists so he can’t go back to his old life. Traitors and criminals like Giuliani and Trump need to die in prison.


Keep in mind that this sort of thing is launched in part because, regardless of what happens, the very discussion of it provides fodder for Hannity, Limbaugh, Ingraham, etc. They’ll spin it into an investigation that is ongoing, and has credibility because why else would they do it?

To my mind, the House should require that Guliani testify before them under oath, about what he’s doing here, conducting foreign policy. And Pompeo should be in the room to testify at the same time.


Forty percent of U.S. voters not only don’t care — they live to be on the side of the cheats and bullies.

But the 55 percent who now say they won’t vote for Trump under any circumstances must be made ready and aware that any Democratic nominee will be smeared in this way. People must be trained to close their ears to the lies. Otherwise, we have a repeat of 2016, where people either don’t show up or vote for Trump even though they don’t like him because the Democrat has been “disqualified.”


Except pretty much everything in the Steele Dossier has been corroborated. And Giuliani is going to commission the fakest fake fakey Ukranian Dossier ever faked.

And it will be totally conclusively believable to FOX , Mitch The Chinless Wonder, and Lindsey the Hysterical.


Shameless! Unpatriotic! Corrupt!


Have no sympathy for Biden at all. Either one.
A politician should not abuse their position and power as both a Senator and VP by installing your worthless son on the boards of Amtrak and a Ukrainian energy company when his only qualification is his father.
Getting Hunter the job at MBNA out of college was a little dicey also.
You reap what you sow.
Hunter got off easy on the first cocaine infraction in the Navy Reserve. So what’s he do? He tests positive again so they have no choice but to dump his stupid ass out.


There’s a not insubstantial portion of the citizenry, maybe 30-35% who are zero sum minded, against civil rights for minorities, and hostage to their own extreme view of Christianity that anything is justifiable to keep a liberal-minded Democrat out of Office. And if that means Rudy and the GOP acting improprietously or illegaly, so be it. Is this a critical mass. With gerrymandering and the innate weighting if the Senate towards small rural red states, maybe.


The headline alone is worth the price of admission.

Trump’s International House of Ratf*cking Is Opening a Franchise in Ukraine


Oops! Rudy always accidentally says the quiet part out loud.


Is it me or is Ken Vogel ringing a little Judith Miller lately?


So much hatred, and so many people to hate.

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“Giuliani is heading to Ukraine on a mission to try to convince that country’s leaders to launch investigations that could prove politically useful for President Trump…”

Rudy Giuliani: A noun, a verb, and treason.


Maybe they’re really gonna go for broke and say Biden has to produce a birth certificate? He was actually born in the province of Comet Ping-Pong, under the Danish flag. You heard it here first.


So, for all who follow Ukrainian politics closely…

Kolomoisky was the oligarch who funded Zelensky (also owns the TV station which made Zelensky famous).

Kolomoisky has been living in exile in Israel since 2016, when he had a falling out with Poroshenko, and his PrivatBank was nationalized (and a whole lotta money went missing).

Guiliani is hopping into this right after Zelensky’s election, I’m sure a total coincidence.


Ironic that Rudy “9/11” Ghouliani is setting up a brand new 9/11.

For Donnie…


This is Nixon and the plumbers, out in the open and in-your-face. This inspired widespread disgust and condemnation a couple generations ago. As you point out, it’ll be interesting to see what kind of reaction it gets in this dispiriting era…


I am seriously confused by his ignorant statement. If he is seeking information that is “very, very helpful to [his] client” and might coincidentally “turn out to be helpful to [his] government” then it is clear that he is acting on behalf of Trump, the individual, and not the US government. He is knowingly and willfully seeking something that is “very, very helpful,” i.e. a “thing of value,” from a foreign national in connection with what I infer is a National election, Trump 2020.

And isn’t admitting that “we’re meddling in an investigation,” an admission that you are knowingly and willfully obstructing justice?

They are putting a lot of faith in Barr to protect them from the DoJ actually enforcing the law.


I don’t know how Josh can highlight with alarm the shakedown and collusion happening in the middle of 5th Avenue between Giuliani and the new Ukrainian gov’t and not call for impeachment. Abuse of office isn’t a federal crime. Perhaps one might be able to prosecute Giuliani on a public corruption statute b/c this is a shakedown in broad daylight, “You give me stuff to attack my enemies, and the US will protect you from Russia.”. I don’t see how the corrupt AG Barr would ever green light an investigation into Giuliani for public corruption. It’s not all that clear that a crime would be easy to establish here (though it should be). This is the type of corruption that impeachment was designed for.

To call out these gross abuses of power and the damage it does to our Republic and not call for impeachment is incoherence. It’s the type of positioning that cost John Kerry the 2004 election.

People need to stop focusing on how imperfect a remedy impeachment is especially when weighed down by the foolish OLC memo. The point of impeachment is to make a statement of accountability, prove the case to the public, put the pressure on GOP Reps and Sens to defend this disloyal and treacherous conduct and take the matter to the voters.

Btw, the Ukrainian President would be a fool to listen to Rudy. There is no way that Putin is letting Ukraine go. The best chance for Ukraine’s long-term stability is to get Putin’s puppet out of office. What the UKR President should do is dig up dirt on Kilimnick, Mogilevich, Blavatnik, Deripaska, Lyovochkin, Firtash and others, note the ties to Trump and Manafort, and hand it over to Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler.


So basically a replay of the 2016 election, only worse. Still up to no good in plain sight. Same as it ever was. The criminal element in this White House is clinging to whatever it can these days by still trying to game the system, by lying, cheating and trying to steal another fucking election. Guiliani should be hauled off in handcuffs and thrown behind bars as far as I’m concerned. He’s playing a very dangerous game of election interference. Who the fuck is minding the store? Not the FEC, that’s for sure. They can’t even bother to count all the hidden money being funneled into tRump’s many bogus accounts.