Rudy, don’t worry about what is carved on your gravestone. It will soon be obliterated by all of the urine.
Rudy: It won’t say I lied for Trump on my gravestone. If it does say it, it won’t be true. If it is true, it won’t matter since I’ll be dead and I can explain it to St Peter.
Does this guy ever stop with the bullshit for even one minute?
Have you ever heard a better summation of the organizing principle of these bozos…
“I’ll be dead. I figure I can explain it to St. Peter.”
I figure I can explain it to St Peter… Already laying a defense? Not gonna fly, even in heaven.
Everything Trump Touches Dies
“I am telling you that their investigation is so ridiculous that, even if he did do it, it wouldn’t be a crime.”
That subordinate clause makes no sense. The investigation is so “ridiculous” that the crime is no longer a crime?
St. Peter is not going to be the one greeting you, Rooty-Tooty.
Saint Pete may be less tolerant of your bullshit than many on Earth, Rudy.
Uhhh…Rudy? It’s too late. 9-11 is now a distant memory in which you will be forgotten.
No 9/11 for your gravestone, Rudy !
Thanks Rudy. Thinking about your gravestone lifted my spirits.
Rudy will not have a gravestone.
His ashes will be spread over a sewage disposal plant.
Are we absolutely sure that Giuliani isn’t actually Andy Kaufman?
It would explain pretty much everything.
St. Peter won’t be wasting a lot of time with Rudy. He’ll just direct him to the ‘down’ escalator.
So basically, Rudy thinks that St. Peter is dumb enough to be conned like a Fox News viewer.
Hand me a chisel, Rudy. I’ll start carving it for you now. And I sincerely hope you are able to use it quite soon.
No fool like an old fool…
I was kind of hoping for something more along the lines of, “Here Lies Rudy Giuliani: He Fluffed Donald J. Trump”.
That’s the least ofnyourbworries, fucktard.