No one could possibly “over-exaggerate” anything you say, Newt, but YOU are an over-exaggeration of an asshole.
Look at his defeated face, it warms my heart.
the one thing he has learned from trump is the power of suggestions.
newt just pivoting back to fox-mode.
And there can only be one…Trump, now Newt go sit the corner until the next Presidential election cycle.
F@ck you, you serial philanderer! F@ck you you convicted tax cheat! F@ck you you Koch Bro corporate toadie vulgar fascist pig.
You god damn meant exactly every god damn word you spewed to the Hate Porn freaks that slaver over every god damn word they hear on Hate Porn Faux News and on Hannity Hate Porn maestro’s Hate Porn tv show.
You started your rise to power buy teaching the rubes how to insult and vulgarize their political opponents. Back. then, you were called the “Bomb Thrower”. Nixon is dead and you now are the most vile political liar living in America. Just yesterday I heard you claim political provenience as a Goldwater-Reagan type of guy. And yesterday, you lied. Your provenience was all Rockefeller. In 1994 you had Rush Limbaugh deliver the freshman congressional Republican orientation. Since then to the present, no Republican slander, lie or calumny against Democrats would incur Republican censor. Before your current disgrace, you were a practicing war criminal cheer leadning the illegal invasion of Iraq, and as a PhD. in history, committed a Crime Against History by fighting a war without paying for it. In what decade of what century of what millennium did any dictator or democratic republic do that?! Republican Rome? Lincoln? Hitler? Roosevelt? Name one. NAME. F@CKING. ONE. F@cking Crime Against History!
You’ve been playing the nose-breathers while boot licking Koch Bro bucks your whole useless life. Lie on million viewer Hate Porn Faux and then turn around expect moral sentient humans are not listening. Fascism has come to America. And it’s name is Gingrich. F@ck you!
There’s some deep commitment eh. He switched to please Trump, then he got the Trump Dump and unswitched.
He has been irrelevant since the 90’s and he just got a little teaser from the Great Pumpkin and went all into the ass kisser mode for a few hours.
Guess why he wasn’t chosen?
Now, lets move on to the ‘after-vetting’ of Pence.
Hes lying in regards to it being difficult to deport naturalized citzens.
Its amazing that Immigration makes these mistakes,but impossible?
Fuck you, Newt, you fat pandering whore. You dishonor the degree you hold.
He concluded with a call for Congress to draft new laws addressing
terrorism and surveillance and charged that terrorists want to wield the
freedom of religion enshrined in the U.S. Constitution against
“We have to have the courage to have an honest discussion, and some
of it is going to be touchy,” he said. “But I think the discussion is
very, very important.”
Terrorists also wield the freedom to easily get guns. It’s literally in their freakin’ handbook.
Gingrich doubled-down on the narrative that America is at war with the
Islamic State terror group and argued that in times of war, certain
rights must be compromised.
I am shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you, that a republican is ready to throw the right to a religion that he does not practice under the bus but not some other right cherished by himself.
Maybe you should acknowledge that you will never be president. What a loser not even the donald wants you newt.
“Honest discussion”??? When did Newt Gingrich ever show himself capable of being part of an honest discussion about anything?
“People” like Newt who call for particular rights that he does not practice to be curtailed strike me the same way as “assholes” who claim that God told them to run for President. Notice how rarely public officials say, “God told me I should give up the plum job I have now and devote all my time to helping poor people.”
The old rhetorical bomb throwing turd eats crow. Good.
once sat through a meeting where Newt pontificated and droned on and on - He might seem like a putz on TV … but when you get up close - all doubt is removed.
Really, Newt? Yet that didn’t stop you from yawping one of the most incredibly fascist remarks a politician can make, threatening to deport AMERICAN CITIZENS based on their religious beliefs. I suppose you’d propose ‘concentrating’ these citizens in ‘camps’ first, right?
The amazing side-fact in this? Gingrich has been totally comfortable with the idea of Christian Dominionism, the notion of Biblical law dictating and overriding U.S. civil law.
Yes, we’re way the hell out beyond Godwin territory here.
Is he bipolar? He say stupid crazy things then later, when he calms down, realizes they are in fact stupid crazy things?
This applies to the entire Trumpity show. Maybe that was his inspiration: the ability to be entirely unmoored from reality.
We used to have a translation of the degree series: BS MS PhD as Bull shiite, More of the Same, and Piled higher and Deeper.