Discussion: Gingrich Now Acknowledges It'd Be 'Impossible' To Deport US Muslims

When Newter says the media “over-exaggerated” his plan to harass American Muslims, does he mean he had already exaggerated?


Gingrich 1 : Media lies when they quote me verbatim.

Gingrich 2 : What I said was not intended to be a factual statement.

Gingrich 3 : I really want to be like Trump, who can say crap without consequence.


Go play on the moon, dude.



Gee, wouldn’t if be keen if Newt read TPM?


He looks old and tired, this asshat can’t pass into the choir eternal soon enough for humanity.

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So why waste yours and everyone else time by saying it? I knw Donny already chose his vp and ur last effort to sound crazy failed

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…and we now have seen the last pathetic effort of an old political whore to sell himself to Donald “Ban the Muslims” Trump to serve as his Vice Presidential candidate.

Old worn out whores are never a pretty thing to see.


A great deal of the coverage of what I said on Fox last night has been
distorted," Gingrich said. "The news media went into a hysteria
overnight trying to over-exaggerate what I was saying. This is not about
targeting a religion.

Suppose someone suggested testing Catholics as to whether they believed in Canon Law–and suggested deporting those that do. I’m guessing people would recognize that as being “about targeting a religion.”


Newt you are an evil fuck to think of deporting AMERICAN CITIZENS. If you start deporting Muslim citizens then nobody is safe. This right here is how these GOPers really think in their hearts about people who are not republican like them.
It’s shameful, repugnant and antithetical to who we are at our core as AMERICANS so anyone who votes for these pukes needs therapy.


It is clear to all of us, Newt, your war is with Islam and not the crazy people who are out to use it as a cover for their barbarity.


“…This is not about targeting a religion.”

Seems to the part 2 of this:



Allow me, Newt, to remind you of what you said to Sean Hannity last night:

“Let me be as blunt and direct as I can be: Western civilization is in a
war. We should frankly test every person here who is of a Muslim
background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported,”
Gingrich said in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “Sharia is
incompatible with Western civilization. Modern Muslims who have given up
Sharia, glad to have them as citizens. Perfectly happy to have them
next door.”

No out of context bullshit Newt, no distortion or misquoting Mmmkay? If you “test” a citizen who happens to be a Muslim you ought to “test” all of us. And belief in Sharia law is not an offense one could be deported over. Citizen or non-citizen EVERYONE is to be afforded equal protection of the law. Newt, re-read the 14th amendment, section one. In that section there is a clear difference between citizen and person. *Persons (meaning EVERYBODY) are to be afforded equal protection of the law. Newt, go ver to the Supreme Court building and take a good long look at the words carved on that building “EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW” it says.

Newt, you are an insult to the country.

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Giant flip…yooooooooger flop!


Not that he ever looks good, but he looks genuinely awful without makeup. It’s like his face has taken on the appearance of his soul.



We’re not at war. Congress is vacationing.


Muslims are still pissed, Gingrich can’t put that Genie back in the bottle.

He’s an idiot for saying it and a pansy ass punk bitch for backing down.
Dude needs an agent, and a brain. Maybe he deported them?

Newt has always been a back-bench blowhard. Probably why the Donald didn’t pick him to be his VP. The Donald is the one who likes to do all the talking, even if it is saying stupid things.

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If only we could be sure.

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Nobody “over-exaggerated”(?) anything. They quoted you. You idiot.

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Newt is an ‘Expert’.

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