Discussion: Gingrich Now Acknowledges It'd Be 'Impossible' To Deport US Muslims

Again with the out-of-context nonsense??? Really???

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Hah. He wouldn’t have said that had he been picked for VP. You was Punk’d.



The only thing “out of context”, Mr. Gingrich, is your fucking brain.


Newt was busy sulking on the moon over the Pence pick by The Donald, and so we have to cut him some slack.
He meant to say, “We need to be more like the Nazis and/or Fascists during WWII…oh, wait a minute. Maybe not. Ohhh…I know… We need to invent an at-home pee stick that will identify Sharia people! Hey now!”

Damned if Krugman didn’t get it exactly right when he said Gingrich is “…the stupid man’s idea of what a smart man is.”

Poor Newt…He can’t even blow the tried and true GOP dog whistles well any longer.


Could someone send Gingrich a copy of the Untied States Constitution? There is no easy answer to fix the problems we helped create years ago with the Iraq war. What this crazy man wants will kill us and the rest of world faster than the terrorists could ever hope for. I am not an expert, but war and discrimination does not seem like the answer to this violence.


But he believes in traditional marriage 300%!!


“We have to have the courage to have an honest discussion, and some of it is going to be touchy,” he said. “But I think the discussion is very, very important.”

Yes, we should have an honest discussion about the Dixiecrats and their use of fear, their fake patriotism, their use of religion, their segregated Churches, their segregated private schools, their resort to fictional narratives of American History, of current events, of science denial. How about lets have that touchy but honest discussion. And while we are at it, lets discuss Newt’s philandering and his conversion to the religion of his last mistress.


Just reading that sentence makes you cringe. How is it not “targeting a religion” if you suggested that we “test all Muslims?” And what does it mean to “over-exaggerate?” Is he suggesting that the coverage was hyperbolic? Then say it…it’s not as if you aren’t proud of your vocabulary, Newt. And what level of exaggeration would have been ok? Is it ok to exaggerate “a little?”
As usual, he makes me tired.


Just like The Donald!

New series: The Six Wives of Newt Trump:



There was no exaggeration by the media. Here is what he said yesterday:

“Let me be as blunt and direct as I can be,” the former House speaker said. “Western civilization is in a war. We should frankly test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported. Sharia is incompatible with western civilization.”

The TPM story had an embedded link to a January 2016 Pew Study that estimated 3.3M Muslims in the USA. How you gonna write and pass legislation that would pass Constitutional Muster to test them? I know you well-informed TPM commenters can see all kinds of problems writing,passing and enforcing any such legislation. What happened is Newt reacted in kneejerk fashion throwing red meat out to the GOP base and now he blames the media for accurately quoting exactly what he said. Classic Newt…


Not really too late. This is Trump we’re talking about. How about 2 Veep’s, on alternating days? Or even and odd years? Or to the highest bidder?


Stick a fork in ole Newty,he’s done.


GOPer: “We need to send all the Mexicans to the Benghazi by Wednesday and Putin will pay for it!”

Dem: “That’s impossible!”

GOPer: “I’m courageous for starting the discussion.”

Wingnuts: “We actually know it’s not possible, but if we can make the dems say “Benghazi”, we win!”


The new normal: Declare some egregious crap, get slut shamed on TWITTER, act as if all video/written word doesn’t exist, accuse the media of ‘distorting’ that which you won’t acknowledge and then insist that what you REALLY ‘meant’ was the exact opposite of what you said. You then have it on the record of going both ways…on the video/word that you never let on you knew existed.


Anyone who quotes me is a liar.



“The news media went into a hysteria overnight trying to over-exaggerate what I was saying.”

is a lot like, “any ad which quotes what I said on Sunday is a falsehood.”

Ok, he said this muslim thing on a Thursday, so we can’t bust his stones, I guess.

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Nice catch.

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I was for deporting Muslim-Americans before I was against it (but I’m really for it).


It is so satisfying to me knowing that, since Trump has passed him over as VP, the political career of Gingrich is most certainly over.
Of course, his career as a political commentator on television will go on, since has-beens in the political arena are quite popular among the MSM, and if anyone epitomizes the term “has-been”, it’s Newt Gingrich, whose entire political career is like a 3:25 AM commercial for a Bedazzler or a set of Ginzu knives - but at least Ginzu knives actually get some work done.

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