Discussion for article #230515
Gee Geraldo, perhaps you should rethink working for a “news” organization which fosters such beliefs and encourages such discourse…
While I certainly see his point, he’s as much of an architect of the hatred and racism spewed at him as the rest of the talking meat puppets at Fox…so my sympathy is pretty tempered.
You reap what you sow, sir.
I find it hilarious Geraldo accurately used the old liberal trope against RWNJ’s “hiding in your mother’s basement” to describe his attackers.
That’s epic.
Indeed so.
Welcome back, JJ! Haven’t seen you around here in a while.
Sir, maybe now you can appreciate how black folks felt about your hoodie comment.
Bing and Go!
Didn’t he go by the moniker “Jerry Rivers” at some point in his life when he thought that was appropriate?
“turning it over to FOX News?”
Now THAT will get some results for sure. I’ll have Roger Ailes and Rubert Murdoch get right on it.
Maybe hire Rudy Giuliani to hire Bernie Kerick to figure out whodunnit.
Probably the local Klan Klavern in the police department.
Tired as it has become, the expression about lying down with dogs and getting up with fleas seems spot on here.
The pollos have come home to roost
I sense a ANOTHER SEMI NUDE SELFIE from him for us to see SOON…
One with a FULL VIEW OF HIS HAIRY MASCULINE CHEST… to be captioned : There…I showed 'em I’m THE MACHO MAN !!!".
Geraldo Rivera is undeserving of being considered a journalist or pundit or recipient of any media attention. PERIOD.
Does Fox News have some sort of secret police? What “Authorities” is he talking about? Building security?
Geraldo, who exactly did you think you were conversing with?
What’s the news worthiness of this tidbit? This is the kind of factoid that debases journalism, pseudo-news about journalist’s unimportant interactions.
This is one of the major problems of contemporary journalism; it spends too much time “reporting” about journalists.
Fox news coverage of the matter: Sadly, the most racist commenters on the immigration issue were the brown ones."
I think that the RWNJs that are posting those kind of comments are NOT in their mother’s basement. They are the moms and dads who are posting the comments.
Besides, trailers don’t have basements.
Basement digging 101.
Oh NOZ, he’s turning the posts over to FAUX SNOOZE…now they’re in REEL TRUBBLE!