Discussion: Georgia Gov Signs Heartbeat Abortion Bill Into Law, Part Of A Nationwide Push

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Thanks for spending my tax dollars in this manifestly unconstitutional law, you redneck goober.


Fine, strike it down and then we can rebuild it on the “religious freedom” ground. Abortion should be an issue about personal beliefs. Get those religious freaks out of women’s lives once and for all!


What’s next, menstruation patrols? “Miss please step out of the house!” “Drop the tampon!” “We need to preserve it as evidence!”


“Georgia is a state that values life,”

So much so that GA has executed 28 people since 2010.


Exactly! And when the religious right succeeds in overturning Roe, they can stay home at election time. There are a lot of one-issue Republicans.


Georgians would be better off were they unKemped.


They value life…up until they try to vote other than for the GOP.


When Amnesty International first reported its alarm at U.S. maternal mortality, it found Georgia ranked 50 out of 50 states with a rate of 20.5 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. The overall U.S. rate was bad enough, at 13.3 deaths per 100,000 live births, well behind other industrialized nations.
Yea they really value life of pregnant women


Percentage of children living below poverty line in Georgia, 2017: 22.6%

National ranking: 41st of 50.


So where / how does RU486 factor in to this travesty? especially since -

When can I take the abortion pill?
You usually can get a medication abortion up to 70 days (10 weeks) after the first day of your last period. If it has been 71 days or more since the first day of your last period, you can have an in-clinic abortion to end your pregnancy.

  • For people who are 8 weeks pregnant or less, it works about 94-98 out of 100 times.
  • For people who are 8-9 weeks pregnant, it works about 94-96 out of 100 times.
  • For people who are 9-10 weeks pregnant, it works about 91-93 out of 100 times.

The top execution states. Notice anything?

They value life.



Pig. I can’t wait to see this obviously unconstitutional law struck down.


Massively nauseating when you ponder that it is an absolute certainty that if some conservative Georgia multimillionaire’s sweet little debutante “Muffy” or “Sissy” were to find themselves in “a family way”
… they would be swept off to spend a week’s shopping & dining (& medical visit) vacation in New York City … and would come back with shopping bags on each arm and a new spray tan (and not pregnant).


The pro-birth crowd would have no trouble arguing from the “not all religions are created equal” position. Despite the Supreme Court turning RFRA upside down in its Hobby Lobby decision and holding that it is not their position to question the assertion of a “sincerely held religious belief,” that same Court would have no trouble finding that any beliefs that run counter to their version of natural law are not religiously based and therefor not entitled to legal protection.

It is easy to find statements by evangelical leaders (“Ladies and gentlemen,” Pat Robertson explained, “we have to recognize that Islam is not a religion.") and GOP politicians (“[Islam] is a complete geo-political structure and, as such, does not deserve First Amendment protection.” - Jody Hice (R-GA)) that will be advanced to support the belief system of the “one true religion.”


‘Georgia is a state that values life! Well, not ALL life but LIFE. LIFE we care about! We DEFINE life!’ Yeah thanks Bri…it’s hard to ‘believe’ you about anything.

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I’m wondering if the Russians are helping with this stuff, using bots on social media, etc. It sure does sew discord.

I do believe that they’d undermine other religions and even contradict their previous rulings in order to control women. Still I think that’s harder to do than encroaching on “privacy” as they’re now doing. It also gives me satisfaction imagining them eating their own shit when faced with the choice of whether to defend “religious freedom” or not.


“We stand up for those who are unable to speak for themselves.”

And we disenfranchise those who can.


Georgia voter here. This MFer’s “I know what’s best for you” attitude was enough to get me to pull the lever for Abrams.