Discussion: Georgia College Warns Students About 'Unauthorized' Voter Registration Drives

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Huh-my first reaction was to read this as though the college was discouraging people from voting. Glad to see I’m wrong.

Seems to me that if they ask these “voter registration” people for some kind of ID or affiliation that they could end that right quick.


More on this from the AJC: http://jaybookman.blog.myajc.com/2016/09/07/could-it-be-a-real-life-case-of-vote-fraud/

Yeah, I had exactly the same first thought and was likewise relieved to be wrong.

[quote]Seems to me that if they ask these “voter registration” people for some kind of ID or affiliation that they could end that right quick.
Probably have fake but authentic appearing ID. The dead giveaway probably would be if there is any casual conversation about “who you gonna vote for” or pretending to be from one party or the other. (As in, “just 'cause I wear a “DNC” button, doesn’t mean I am not a Trumper in disguise, here to prevent you from checking the box for Hil…”) If you really are interested in just getting out the vote, you’re not gonna ask…


Trump surrogates doing more outreach to the black community no doubt. LOL!


I did too, but then I realized that it is because the headline has “unauthorized” in quotes. Leaving the word to stand alone would have been a more accurate way to headline it.


When I do these sorts of at-large voter registration drives, I always carry along a stack of stamped envelopes pre-addressed to the local Board of Elections so that, if I encounter skepticism, I can offer the person to send in their own registration. If the person still has concerns, I suggest that they look up the BoE address on their phone to make sure that the envelop I provided is properly addressed and also give them the URL to verify their registration online once it’s processed.

When I go door to door and someone wants to register as an R, I simply give them the form, smile and move along…


Easy fix for the college: When students are registering for classes, register them to vote at the same time.


Now, that should be campus policy. Great idea!!


Thanks, your process is the best way to insure every voter form is actually registered. Of course someone could missdirect forms to an incorrect address with software web support, but it is hard to catch every crooked person or defeat every fraud scheme.

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How about this, instead: Every adult is registered to vote at Age 18 automatically.

People who object will have to actively opt-out by sending in a form to be de-registered.

We could expand Selective Service to both genders and thus make it easiest for people would be registered at the same time as they send in their Selective Service card.


Kennesaw, Georgia, is a hive of scum, villainy and Tea Partiers. This is the same place that mandated gun ownership some years ago. It’s NW of Atlanta, near Marietta. Full of white people, not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s the last refuge of angry white men. Are they going to be pissed on November 9. Let’s just hope they don’t turn to “Second Amendment remedies.”


You don’t have to actually register them. You can just give them all the information they need to do it themselves. Many folks don’t know how easy it is to register. If you take that approach it’s going to be tough to scam.

But it’s hard to get a read on this. “certain populations” are always the targets but there a ton of folks other than scam registrars that want to keep them from voting. I wouldn’t be surprised if after digging a layer or two deeper into this you found it to be a cynical effort at creating skepticism. After all it would be difficult to walk around a campus with fraudulent registration forms and not draw a lot of exposure. You’d be committing a crime out in the open with no real benefit to you. It would be an enormously risky thing to do. Particularly after campus administration let it be known they were on to you.

But if you were a young Black student warned about “phony registration” you’d probably shy away from the legit efforts and possibly not register at all.


What goes through the heads of these fake voter registration people? Are they “original constitutionists” where blacks don’t have a right to vote? Just so wrong.


A couple of things.

There isn’t enough here to make a call on which way this is going. It could be some republican dirty tricksters. I could also be a legitimate group that some dirty tricksters are calling foul on to hamper them in getting people registered. Its an easy way to cripple a voter registration drive…simply have someone like a Dean call into question their legitimacy without any factual evidence.

Second thing…voter registration doesn’t mean you have to be non partisan. Yes, you have to accept registrations for any and all political affiliations, but you can most certain wear your “I’m With Her” T-shirt or your “Make American Great Again” hat while you are doing it. And there is nothing stopping you from targeting people who are more likely to vote your way…avoid all white wealthy areas with Trump yard signs and favor multi-racial lower income areas if you are a Democrat, for example.

Finally, republicans WILL try to stop voter registration drives. We’ve had people kicked out of the mall, chased out of apartment complexes by management and even someone arrested in front of a super market. So making up a story about “unauthorized” volunteers is a pretty low hanging fruit to them.

All of this boils down to…somebody in Kennesaw (a very red Atlanta suburb. Kennesaw is one of those places that has a municipal ordinance requiring people to own guns) or at the state level needs to do a lot more investigating.


You would force WOMEN to register for the draft? The “sainted” Phyllis Schafly hasn’t been in her grave a week yet and so she couldn’t be prepared to roll in it already.

Not serious, of course, but the coincidence of Phyllis Schafly’s death reported yesterday just had to be commented on. Her battle to prevent women from being drafted was a major argument she used to attack the Equal Rights Amendment.


Having done plenty of voter registration drives before - I am fairly certain that the college is very wrong. The Georgia Democratic Party has a large voter reg program this year and Kennesaw is likely a target. The stuff they complain about (“past fake registrations”) is more likely either simple errors by county elections officials or voters when filling out their forms. That’s not uncommon, especially with campus precincts. I suspect college officials are making the situation worse here.

This reminds me of the paranoia during the Wisconsin recall after some random conservative guy made a blog post about collecting and destroying signature pages. Next thing you know, you couldn’t go out and volunteer without several people interrogating you as to whether you were a real volunteer or some sort of conservative instigator.


I use an email template with the link to the Missouri on-line voter registration form. I found the on-line version has simpler instructions than the fold-over paper copy. I also have an email template with the “check your registration” link. These email templates are easy to use; just pull up on smartphone, fill in the email address; send.

If anyone wants paper, the Missouri form is a folder. Tape the sides and stamp. I carry tape and stamps. The person can fill out and mail or I will mail for them.

This story made me wonder who exactly “authorizes” anyone to do this service…


My cousin registered last year when she re-up’d her driver’s license for the first time. Clicked a couple of ‘do you want to register to vote? Which party/independent?’ and 2 weeks later got ‘here’s your polling information’ in the mail. Seems NYS’s got it down pretty well.

You earned your name on that one.

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