Discussion: George Conway On Hillary: ‘If She’s With The Constitution, I’m With Her’

I think I figured it out. It must have been Pizzagate!

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The shock of actually impeaching and kicking trump out will change many dynamics because trump will be dragging a lot of GOPers with him and Mitch isn’t going to come out of something like that too well either. But, we jump too far ahead, eye on the ball first.

Kinda like the Carville-Matalin tag team. They grift off both ends.

Might have helped if she had gone to Wisconsin instead of assuming it was in the bag.

It’s convenient positioning. KAC protects their standing with the Trump base; George protects their standing with the Never-Trumpers when the whole Trump crime amd treason syndicate finally devolves into the inevitable Trumpian shit-morass.

Gohmert tried, but he botched the paperwork and accidentally released it to the public domain instead.

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Didn’t she send Bernie?

yeah right - has nothing to do with 20 years of right wing press controlling the clinton narrative, russian interference in political discourse, gerrymandering, voter suppression and a couple of centuries of mysogyny - nope, she didn’t visit Wisconsin.

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F- this guy. He says (well, tweets) the right words but until he calls his wife Goebbels reincarnated I think he can go f- himself or stfu. Maybe he doesn’t want to call out KC as a nazi for the kids sake but it sickens me when people give him props for living in luxury with her.

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Gohmert Pyle said it best.

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