Discussion: George Conway On Hillary: ‘If She’s With The Constitution, I’m With Her’

Your first paragraph

A+ If Trump were not lazy and stupid we would be in a pickle

Your second paragraph

A+ I believe that Pence could do damage…but I also think that he is not the fighter that Trump is
and he is in line for some legal hurt, besides


I can’t read her article because she gave speeches to Wall Street bankers.

And also her private email server shows that she sent kitten Instagrams to Kim Jong-un and the president of Iran. And Jessie Smollett.

Oh, and Benghazapalooza!!!


Yours is the best explanation I’ve seen yet.

And @dommyluc:

I like it! Many thumbs up. Hope you (or Devin Nunes) haven’t copyrighted it.


Mr. Conway has been associated with top law firms and is perfectly able to make gobs of money all on his own.


Time has run out for Pence to be anything but a temporary placeholder if it were to come to that.


Exactly. That’s been the plan all along. Up until now, its been mutually beneficial for all Pukes to go along with President Crazypants.

tRump gets his picks to head various agencies to pay back his donors and McConnell and the rest of the Republican ruffians bully their way seating judges for lifetime appointments… to overturn Roe v. Wade, to ignore corporate responsibility for wrongdoing, to deregulate consumer and environmental protections, to allow guns-everywhere laws to flourish, to break down the separation between church and state, to limit participatory democracy by voter suppression means and allow GOP gerrymandered districts to continue, and a host of other pet projects these ideologues have had in the hopper for a couple of generations. The MSM has certainly not paid near enough attention with the court packing schemes in the last two years as they should or could have…and that too is suspect imo.


Absolutely. He wouldn’t be able to do a damn thing - for one thing nobody would have elected him.


Yeah he’s a lawyer and a law firm wouldn’t care about Kellyanne and Trump. He’s not doing this to make a living.


yes, I’m relieved the White House isn’t staffed with Wall Street insiders and lobbyists like we were warned about in 2016


And it would take some time for the thorazine to wear off.



So that’s what it is. hahahahaha

Same here. We were ripped off. We were cheated. Those who cheated us will do it again.

Just as she did during the entire campaign, Hillary is speaking out in direct, specific language exactly what will happen to us if we let this evil continue. She was right then, and she’s right now.


We’ve been robbed twice in this century. Both fucking GOP administrations cheated their way into office and it has to stop.


Indeed. The rot goes deep.

After Nixon resigned, Carter won because Americans were sickened by the corruption in his administration, supported by indictments, jail sentences and reams of documented evidence. It’s never just one crooked guy. He had enablers, and so does the current mobster in the WH.


George and Kellyanne were Cruz supporters during the primary. When trump won the nomination, Kellyanne jumped on the grifter bandwagon and George became a prominent NeverTrumper.

I still contend they’ve got a long-running scheme. Kellyanne is the media’s favorite leaker of gossipy shit, and gets a big kick out of making up ridiculous lies for the rubes. George builds up the family brand by taking a strong public anti-trump stance, and at night they get back together and share stories, work on their tell-all book, and have a big laugh at our expense.

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Ah give us the moment of enjoyment of this “owning the Trump” - per the pique it will cause for fat nixon. :wink:


He can still sign whatever evil shit McConnell tells him to, including extremist activist judges and bigoted, cruel executive orders. Pence can be every bit the useful idiot trump is, just not as publicly foul.


If She’s With The Constitution…
As opposed to the Republicans who practically literally say if he’s with the Kremlin I’m with him.

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By all means!

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yes, she should have focused more on policy than sounding so shrill and unlikable all the time

oh wait, it was the media who focused on her unlikability and not her policies - my mistake