Oooh! Oooh!
Watch out for incoming WH tweetstorm in 3…2…1…
Mr. Conway laying the groundwork for making money in case his wife becomes unemployed once Trump steps down.
I could hardly care less about what George Conway has to say, but Mrs. Clinton’s op-ed is certainly worth reading.
Too late dickhead
I thought HRC’s op-ed was excellent. I read it twice and this was my interpretation of it at a high level (inclusive of subtle shade thrown at Dems and Trump):
- Dems need to view the Mueller Report from a national security perspective. She’s subtly telling Dems to stop thinking about this in terms of naked political calculus (either good or bad for Dems).
- The Mueller Report is fundamentally about Russia’s attack on the US. If we don’t focus on how to stop or protect against it, it is almost certain to happen again in 2020.
- She refers to the straw man ‘up or down vote’ on impeachment not to dismiss impeachment, but to tell people that they should envision the Watergate process as the correct operational process model going forward, and not the GOP’s approach in the Bill Clinton impeachment
- But the killer section is in the second to last paragraph:
The Mueller report isn’t just a reckoning about our recent history; it’s also a warning about the future. Unless checked, the Russians will interfere again in 2020, and possibly other adversaries, such as China or North Korea, will as well. This is an urgent threat. Nobody but Americans should be able to decide America’s future. And, unless he’s held accountable, the president may show even more disregard for the laws of the land and the obligations of his office. He will likely redouble his efforts to advance Putin’s agenda, including rolling back sanctions, weakening NATO and undermining the European Union.
What HRC is saying is that if Dems stop wetting the bed and actually look at this as a current national security issue, the logical conclusion is impeachment. Trump exists to further Putin’s agenda. If you don’t hold him accountable, he will absolutely double down on helping Putin achieve that agenda, which includes interference in the 2020 elections plus the destruction of NATO.
I would also add that I see a lot of Dems acknowledge that: Trump has committed impeachable acts, Trump deserves impeachment, Trump will lock up his opponents, Trump will use Putin’s help in 2020 to win, Trump is a threat to national security, but that we still shouldn’t impeach. Add to that Trump’s sneering at the concept of oversight, and the impeachment skeptic Dems are looking a little foolish. The argument against impeachment from such Dems is grounded mainly in political calculations and a view that it’s not worth it if it doesn’t result in his immediate removal. I think that’s too much of a conclusory view and doesn’t grasp the value that the act and process of an impeachment inquiry would have for the nation.
I think one of the biggest values of impeachment is that it neuters Trump. If we learned one thing from the Mueller Report it’s that people won’t commit crimes for him if they feel someone is watching. Well, in an impeachment inquiry, everyone is watching. Any attempt by Trump to use his minions to break laws or refuse to cooperate will end or be quickly outed and defeated in a formal inquiry.
The other value of impeachment is that the sheer specter of additonal indictments, criminal referrals and other criminal inquiries may very well change the political calculus for Trump and the GOP in a way we don’t presently see. It could lead to resignation. You don’t know unless you try. With Trump making a mockery of traditional oversight, I fail to see how impeachment isn’t worth doing. It feels like we’re playing with house money but we just don’t know it yet.
The strategy (whatever it is) should have always emphasized messaging. The way the messaging is going right now for the Dems, Laurence Tribe is knocking it out of the park compared to the wishy-washy statements issued by Congressional Dems.
Professionally, I have done enough word games to be able to see statements attempting to “have it both ways”…and I suspect that most Americans can do the same.
Yay for George!
I’m with her (and the constitution) too!
Wasn’t it refreshing to read Hil’s Op Ed and encounter articulate and intelligent views contrasted with donald’s monosyllabic “me, me, me” style.
Donald should drag it all out so that just as election season rolls around his “wall” of lies comes crashing down. Hil’s approach to the process for investigating donald is like Nancy’s and it is spot on. Even as donald pours accelerant on all the smoke – so he can remain the top headline of the day – IMO the Mueller report really has shot down his plane. He is exposed for the bumbling, low-life liar that he is.
Timing is just about there. Is Monday too soon? I suggested waiting a bit for things to cook. Trump is not disappointing this week. We have two more days of the news cycle to boot. I think one error they just made was declining Miller’s appearance before the House. The controversy will bring attention in the wrong way to the White House. Now people are going to want to know who this guy is and why Trump is stonewalling on him. Two minutes of Miller and sympathies die.
I’m over Conway until he pulls together a coalition of other Federalist grovelers that forcefully speak out.
I’m guessing that until they have all their judges in place they’ll likely just sit on their hands though.
Please inform your wife.
Liked times eleventy billion.
Conway has been a prolific critic of President Donald Trump online, to the chagrin of his wife who is one of Trump’s most visible staffers.
I like this part, KAC has gone from senior adviser to visible staffer. Nice @Kate_Riga24.
I can’t read her article because it will make me even angrier that someone this smart and far-sighted isn’t our president.
The response to this direct and on target article by Hillary Clinton is simply yes on point 1, yes on point 2, yes on point 3, and yes on point 4. Trolls will be trolls, as they have no other choice based on their vested interests, but they will ultimately have no say. Stay the course and publicly investigate and educate the population. The right simply wants to wear down everyone with a prolonged confusing “conversation” so popular attention turns to other things and they can get their way. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay the course and expose potential violations of the law by this administration on a day by day, week by week, and if necessary month by month basis until the legal, constitutional mode of redress can be initiated if supported by facts, not shill screams to the contrary.
I think this part is too narrow of a view. I don’t believe for a minute that, should Trump go away tomorrow, the GOP as a whole wouldn’t continue to permit the interference on the party’s behalf. None of this - none of the white nationalism, none of the interference, none of the total disregard for the rule of law - goes away with the end of Trump. The GOP has found their way, their path to continued and unbridled access to the highest office in the land. They’re not going to relinquish that access easily.
This is why I believe thorough and complete investigation of everything related to Trump must go forward and be prosecuted.
Don’t be misled that this will end with Trump - it didn’t start there. He was just a useful idiot. A thug, but a useful idiot.
I guess this is the closest Hill will ever get to an apology from one of the leaders of the vast Right Wing Conspiracy…that was REAL.
I know I don’t forgive him for helping create the sludge that almost took down a president, but it has been entertaining to watch him troll donnie in such sharp and intelligent ways.
Absolutely…in a way…we lucked out BECAUSE donnie is the one in the “OFFAL” office. He is not smart enough to do these things under the radar. In fact, he doesn’t want to do them under the radar. He enjoys shoving this in our faces.
If donnie is ousted before the end of his term, we will get pence, who will continue all the policies, just sneakier. This is why I really hoped pence will also be tarred with the same investigatory brush, as I am confident he knew about all the Russian interference back in the transition.
If you didn’t say this in 2016, when you very well knew what a dangerous asshole Trump was going to be as president, and what a despicable specimen of a human being he has always been, why in the flying fuck should anyone believe you now?
Another one of the "Never Trumper"s who used to be an “Always Trumper” before he saw his future go up in flames because of Fat Ass and who is still an “Always GOPer” because he still can’t face the agonizing truth that Trump and the GOP are one and the same.