Discussion: Frustrated Democrats Stonewalled During Hicks Testimony By DOJ Lawyer

This, friends. THIS.

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My view on this is that they should not have had her testify without an ironclad commitment that she would ignore the WH lawyers and answer questions on everything she told Mueller. This ‘absolute immunity’ argument is not executive privilege. I haven’t actually heard ‘exec privilege’ used yet (maybe someone can correct me?). The fact is that Hicks is going along with Trump’s game. Insist that she testify fully and truthfully or we’ll go to court to enforce a subpoena and put her in jail.


Why? What would that visual have brought about? Are you aware that the hearings with John Dean happened and were televised on C-SPAN?

But it is being normalized. You watch the media about this hearing today. The derision from ALL sides will be palpable. This is being normalized every day the Dems let themselves be laughed at for half-assed attempts at getting to the truth.

Start the formal inquiry. I understand earlier that it may not get us everything we need, but at least put some legitimacy behind all of this. Right now, it’s not being taken seriously because the perpetrators have all the power.


Someone here suggested, I think facetiously, that Rachel Maddow read the transcript on her show. Actually, that’s not a bad idea. Beyond that, what’s to keep key the committee chairman from reading parts of it at a press conference? It would build the public side of the argument, that the White House is obstructing the investigation. Some of it may even be repeated on Fox “News,” for the enlightenment of the Deplorables.


I agree, but Dems have shown their lack of


And how much time was wasted getting to this ENTIRELY PREDICTABLE point? Like exactly WHO is surprised by this?

Goddam the Democrats are the most feeble entity in politics.



Studied under Alex Jones


I understand earlier that it may not get us everything we need, but at least put some legitimacy behind all of this.

The legitimacy is gone. If the regime doesn’t agree to norms then the formal inquiry won’t do anything. It won’t get rid of the regime before 2020.

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LOCK her UP!

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The regime thanks you for your support. Be sure to get a MAGA hat on the way out.


I think it can be spun many ways. For instance, the White House (and therefore the GOP) is so desperate to keep the truth from coming out that none of the White House staff is allowed to go out of the house unless accompanied by a couple of lawyers.


and precisely what the fuck did they expect. oohhh, I know, write another op ed! or get your mug before a camera and whine about what a lawless president is doing to undermine their authority. that will show dotard!

the country burns and the capitol hill firehose is all out of water.

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Common sense tells me DOJ presence (which is mind blowing in itself, imagine if President Obama did this??) is to protect the Realm of Barr’s fantasy spun Mueller interpretation. Period.

This effort and search for truth was ‘Hopeless’ from the beginning with this witness.

Todays Democrat controlled Congress, and the power supposedly to govern as a co-equal branch of government is now reduced to fight for standing via the Judiciary branch which is frustrating in so many levels.

I’ve been in the ‘wait and see’ silo for impeachment. Let the investigations play out, then wrap them all together and Congress impeach. Yes, the Senate will not, but somewhere the truth would come out. That’s now a fantasy.

Congress is now relegated to governing by court fights, isn’t how it’s supposed to work—let’s rip the bandaid off and impeach this lawless grifter-sh*t show administration. The GOP need to know the Democrat Congress is in charge, not them. Our future depends on this effort—how much worse can it get? A lot if we do nothing.

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I watched the entire televised Watergate proceedings when I wasn’t in class. Don’t you think John Dean’s testimony made an impression at the time? Reading about a stonewall is one thing but having to waste hours watching the DOJ lawyer obstruct strikes home. It screams OBSTRUCTION.


Schadenfreude is like Chinese take-out, you get a big plateful and you’re hungry again before the table’s been cleared.


Lawrence did what he could.

First, Josh had mentioned it in the left column of TPM
Then it was a full-blown article with comments

THEN O’Donnel–that night–had

(a) an entire segment on it

(b) an interview with Katie Porter herself.

© her defense of her position, including interaction with Pelosi

This former GOPer district first termer Katie Porter’s move to support an Impeachment Inquiry is extremely important if for no other reason than the fact that many districts are bluer than hers. It should have caused a swarm of Dem CongressPeople on board for Impeachment

That move by Porter could not have been managed more poorly
and look: I know the summer is time for vacation, but people, if a pollster asks you about Impeachment, say “yes”.

There should be at least 60+% people supporting Impeachment and blaming Pelosi is fun but her calculations come down to Seats and Polls. She’ll be overruled by 60+%
maybe even 55%
and most certainly with a majority of her own caucus

At some point, we American People (who never miss a chance to pat ourselves on the back**) are going to have to come to the conclusion that ONLY WE CAN RID US OF TRUMP

** All nations have admirable traits in their national character
we are no different than any other people


Buttery males!!

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