Discussion: Frustrated Democrats Stonewalled During Hicks Testimony By DOJ Lawyer

Comrade knows what sort of dissent to sow among the online Dems.


Normal humans SHOULD react to the Trump Obstruction with resolve.

BEATEN normal humans WILL react to something like this with apathy**…

In the next weeks we will find out what we are made of.

** Slavery and Jim Crow would have reduced African Americans to zombies, if they did not have what it took to survive and thrive. Certainly, Barack Obama would not have been in a position TO RUN for President, even though his ancestors were not slaves in the United States.


Oh Please. The House stopped Stephen Gore from having administration lawyers present. They could have done the same with Hope Hicks. If she refused to appear, they could have charged her with contempt.

"…an arcane House rule that has been featured prominently in the Trump administration’s clash with Congress: the prohibition on administration lawyers sitting in on depositions of government officials.
That rule, in place for the past decade under Democratic and Republican majorities alike, allows government officials to have personal counsel accompany them in depositions but broadly shuts agency lawyers out of the room. It was left untouched as House Democrats, regaining the gavel in January, changed other deposition rules in preparation for an aggressive stretch of investigations.

In interviews, former House lawyers said the rule is intended to put government officials at ease during depositions, freeing them from fears that a lawyer from their agency will report back about their testimony. Also, they said, the rule removes from the deposition room a government minder who might disrupt the questioning of an agency official."


Yup this is not a hollywood movie where a sneering arrogant villain finally gets the crap beat out of him by the hero to the cheers of the audience. The Sergeant at Arms is not going to arrest anyone and throw them in jail. The DOJ is the Department of Fixers, now. They are not going enforce subpoenas on behalf of Congress. The committee majority have very few tools to force witnesses into compliance. Proper procedures must be followed to give the committee the best chance of prevailing in court. As frustrated as I am, the constant kvetching about and disparagment of the people trying to slap some restraints on Trump is becoming tiresome.


On the other hand, HRC actually knew what there was to know about Benghazi. Does Hicks actually know anything?? If she told us everything she knows, how long would it actually take?


"…angry but impotent Democrats raised an outcry…"

<img src="/uploads/default/original/4X/d/e/a/dea6e0da3fc41b77950bdfeb7e71ae3d036b2fab.png" width="332" height="51">

Tell me they weren’t expecting this.

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So everyone who is summoned to testify to Congress in the future can dictate terms just as Don Jr. and Hope Hicks did. Way to send a message to the electorate about the rule of law.


Daddy still makes the rules for little Hopey.


So Pelosi publicly stated that the President is supervising criminal behavior basically as we speak. It’s all on the public record. How in the world can she not call for impeachment hearings to begin?


Could not agree with you more.


There are reports the White House dictates what is served in the House cafeteria.

HicKs haS aSSerted ExtreMe privileged bEcaUse shE is TrumpS rabbipriestwife.


Well, considering the majority of America views this all as a tempest in a teapot, the electorate doesn’t care about this and figures it’s all kabuki.

This is what comes of trying to play by the rules - something the Dems never win at.

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And contempt charge would done WHAT for “Hopey” given that she isn’t an official?


One more subpoena.


This stupid testimony of hers achieved what other than Dems being “frustrated”?

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But…nothing to see HERE…no obstruction, no collusion…Donnie just wants things PRIVATE doncha’ know.

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Even during Watergate, Nixon’s aides went before Congress and testified publicly


This is not surprising, and not necessarily a bad development. It adds a lot of fuel for the Democratic side to court proceedings on subpoenas.

Now, it is frustrating for sure, the amount of bad intent and number of bad acts by the administration are breath taking.