Discussion: Frat Bros Behind Racist Vid Sue University Over "Ridicule and Scorn"

The university has said arrangements have been made for those going through the student judicial process to continue their academic work off campus

This lawsuit screams butthurt.

Grow up and get over it.


It’s the age-old right-wing defense of every offensive thing they say or do: “We were only joking”.


Thanks for the nudge. That hadn’t made it thru my thick skull till just now.

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They put a balaclava on it – a fashion upgrade.

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wherein what should be syracuse’s response:

“The expulsions did not constitute actual ridicule and scorn for the deplorable,” the university says. “Rather, the entire focus of the expulsions was to follow established policy and deliver sanctions to the accountable.”

The university says anyone watching the expulsions in context would have seen them as “serious portrayals of due process and commitment to values offered for public edification with no intent to harm or harass anyone. Well, almost anyone.”


It’s not racism or bad taste, it’s performance art!
And now they get to experience the grandeur of suffering for their art.


“Uh, muh dad’s a lawyer, so you can’t expel me…”



In the Supreme court, during arguments about the Muslim ban, were the widow of Thurgood Marshall and the daughter of Fred Korematsu.



FFS they should be so ashamed that they slink off into the sunset.


Entitled Turds double down on their turdishness.


It’s unfortunate that our civic education system can’t convey that your 1st amendment right to expression doesn’t mean there aren’t societal consequences… we get lots of “taking prayer out of schools” yet the party of personal responsibility really wants to not only blame secular folks, but blame everyone else for their own failings.


They could invoke the Karen Findlay defense. Only no yams and chocolate were involved.

The federal lawsuit filed anonymously on Tuesday by five Theta Tau members

I understand they like to call themselves “The Stand-up Bros.” Known for their bravery and toughness, a lot of people on campus are saying they’re going to get custom shirts made as soon as their Dads deposit next month’s stipend.

And yes. Their moms are very proud.


Naw. They should employ the Lisa Nowak defense. That way their nappies won’t seem out of place.

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What gets me is that this was the fourth frat suspended at Syracuse this year. What kind of person even wants to join frats these days?


And the constant right-wing whining about political correctness, because the young Tucker Carlsons and Richard Shepards shouldn’t be held accountable for what they say or do.

I remember my college days…

There was the time a woman ran past my friends and myself and threw a large rock into the windshield of a car that had just pulled in a parking lot. The driver and his friends were stunned and started getting out of the car yelling, but when she accused them of yelling a racial slur at her as they passed her, they got quiet and the driver said drumroll please “we were just joking.” She replied with “how do you like mine?” They realized she had backup when my friends and I started laughing…at them.

There were a lot of “We were just joking” incidents, and as @teenlaqueefa pointed out, a lot of butthurt when the joke backfired on the jokers.

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It’s a Trump-like response: when you’ve done something offensive, attack the people and institutions that call out the offense.


Conservatism’s finest university scholars have sought for 30 years to transform racist behavior into totally-not-racist, by the power of creative rationalization. It’s still easier to transform lead into gold.


Great! Let’s get these dumbasses’ names out there for all to see.

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