Discussion: Frat Bros Behind Racist Vid Sue University Over "Ridicule and Scorn"

That’s not how America works anymore. Now you do racist, offensive, misogynistic shit and if someone calls you on it, you SUE! I’m sure the Future Republicans of America are drooling over the hope of tomorrow.


So no doubt they will release additional footage adjacent in time to the video that the paper leaked. The additional footage will show the context in which they were performing this satirical work.

Everybody who believes this, start holding your breath now.

(Also, pro tip: if you are going to perform vilely offense skits among your friends, do not record them for future enjoyment.)


True Dat. Especially when they “joke” about killing their political opponents.

Elimination Rhetoric has been the standard among the RWNJ, from Coulter to Trotta to Huckabee.

And often with deadly results.

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ blood is on Sarah Palin’s hands after putting cross hair over district.

Here is what Sarah Palin said on the Facebook page where she depicted Gabrielle Giffords in the cross hairs of a rifle scope: “Don’t retreat! Instead - RELOAD!” Well, the guy who shot Giffords yesterday managed to keep firing until he killed six, including a child, and wounded 13 .

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And these are the same people who whine all the time about “frivolous lawsuits” and “tort reform” and really, really hate the plaintiffs’ bar…