Discussion: Frank Pallone Defeats Pelosi Pick For Powerful Energy & Commerce Seat

Last time I heard about Pelosi getting involved in a caucus election (with a “Dear Colleagues” letter in that case, as well) it was when she was trying to oust Hoyer in favor of Murtha, and since Murtha’s been a stellar Majority Leader and Minority Whip ever since, we can see that this worked out extremely well for everybody!

Since Nancy lost, it seems that she was always in the minority even without Tammy Duckworth.
That’s the dreaded triple whammy I believe.

After all this time, I’ll say what I said when she was “majority” leader."
It’s time for Nancy Pelosi to stand aside.
Harry Milquetoast too.
The Diffident Party will never get anything back with “Leadership” like this.
And while we’re at it, Hoyer can take a flying leap away from leadership as well.
When Political Parties take a pasting everywhere else, they clean house.
The Diffident Party is about to “Try the same thing, and expect a different result.”
We all know what that is.
The first sign that this Party has learned (or is willing to learn or listen) is to house clean, and that starts at the top.
All this mob just parked, waiting for the Hillary Fairy in 2016 have forgotten that she or any other candidates (Local ones) will need an organization behind them.
The present iteration of the Diffident Party isn’t in back of anything or any one. They’re just in the way.
Just as an addendum, there is another name on the “to go” List: Debbie Wasserman Schultz.