Discussion: Frank Pallone Defeats Pelosi Pick For Powerful Energy & Commerce Seat

Again, it’s not House rules in question. It was a meeting of the Democratic caucus to elect Democratic leadership. The Dems control their own rules in caucus. This means they can VOTE TO CHANGE those rules. This isn’t a floor vote. Weren’t you the one above telling others they should do some research? A Dem moved in CAUCUS to change the rules, Pelosi BLOCKED it. That means she wouldn’t even allow a vote in caucus about giving Duckworth a proxy. At least that would have been fair. The Republicans didn’t ‘plant’ anything, Nancy did this to herself. You really need to calm down a bit about all the Democratic self loathing, conspiracy nonsense.


I see the democratic politicians in the House as being the collective embodiment of Neville Chamberlin,
waving the Munich agreement as Peace In Our Time’ just before the start of World War Two.

Friendly warning:
You are approaching an event horizon.
Do not get sucked in.



Except TPM loves this shit.

" Previous reporting over the proxy vote fighting has cited unnamed Democratic aides who said the real fuel behind it was related to the internal Democratic race for the top spot on the Energy and Commerce Committee between Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ). Pallone was backed by House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and Eshoo was backed by Pelosi. Duckworth supported Eshoo.

On Wednesday Pallone won the spot. "

TPMr reported the reverse – that Duckworth was for Pelosi’s pick.

You’re completely misinformed about the Duckworth issue. It was a Democratic caucus issue, and had nothing to do with general House rules. The Democratic caucus makes its own rules for itself, and it can change its own rules as it sees fit.


Pallone good old boy’s club, NJ has a sticky feel to it like, Booker’s co_k smoking of the public education taxes goes to private schools scam.

Nancy was trying to get a woman installed, and lost the bet

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Sure, I believe that. That’s why I put ‘story’ in quotes. I don’t know the veracity, just what’s being said.

LOL, thanks for the warning… I have to stop engaging the trolls.

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It’s time for the Democrats to put Nancy and Harry out to pasture. What the party needs is new leadership that’s not afraid to run on its principles and commitment to the middle class. Pelosi and Reid have done many outstanding things for the party and for America, but their best days are behind them.

So, TPM, what are the policy implications & differences involved in Pallone getting the job rather than Eshoo? While ‘personality politics’ may play a part, it can’t be simply be a “who’s gonna be prom-queen” contest, can it?

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Hesitate to use the term ‘troll’.
Let’s instead use: ‘irregular’ :wink:

One’s comment history is a great identifier of M.O.



No, she’s not, and now that we all can see her for the witch that she is it’s time to stop giving her the benefit of any doubt. She is one awful woman. All she’s done is hurt the party, or does Nov 4th have no meaning?

The House and Senate Dems may act like Neville Chamberlin, but they speak with irritating voices like Aaron Neville. They’ve allowed the word “liberal” to mean un-American. And frankly, “progressive” just doesn’t mean what it says. Cruz is quite progressively pushes the Repub agenda to places most of the rest don’t want to take it!

I don’t know. I found that Pallone is a member of the Progressive Caucus, but hasn’t done a lot of work on things like alternative energy. Eshoo has led several efforts to promote alternative energy and raise fuel economy standards, but is not a member of the Progressive caucus. Pallone has worked a lot of native American issues and he’s introduced a bill to modify US fishery regulations. Pallone is a graduate of Middlebury College, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, and Rutgers School of Law–Camden. Eshoo earned an Associate of Arts degree in English from Cañada College in 1975.

I usually agree with NP, but I don’t have a problem with Pallone getting the seat.


Say what? LOL!

Ironically, right below your comment is an honest-to-god real-life troll- CommieMommie.

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Yeah we really got whooped in the last two Presidential elections. You couldn’t depress your tongue so don’t try to depress us just because it’s what you do and why you suck.

Your crap isn’t selling well. Time for new crap.

And, y’know, successfully whip the votes to pass the ACA over the objections of five million different grandstanding sub-caucuses and jerks. And win the House back after 12 years of Republican control in 2006—but that, we are to presume, doesn’t have meaning because of the 2014 midterms? Concern trolling about how everybody hates Nancy Pelosi is very fashionable, but it doesn’t wear especially well.

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