Discussion for article #231291
Doesn’t matter to the rightwing in this country that the Pope helped in this matter, even if some of them are Catholic. To them, this Pope is “the Commie Pope”, “the Pinko Pope”, so it comes as no great measure in their eyes. Popes, like Presidents, are only good and infallible if they veer to the right on all issues, social or otherwise.
Such hypocrisy.
Thank you Pope Francis. You’re amazing.
Blessed are the peacemakers.
promote the wellbeing
There’s a phrase we don’t hear very often…
CaTHOLICs areN’t REAL cHRIstiaNS, LIBtard.
Take note RWNJ-pols.
This? Is how negotiation and compromise work to make a situation better for ALL involved.
Not just for the 1%.
Not just for your net worth.
Not just for your Southern-fried Evangelicalism.
For everybody.
ANd BaPTisTs aReN’t REal CatHoLiCs EIthEr RigHTarD.
I’m still not a Catholic (or even a Christian) but I still keep liking this Pope!
Which is why he’s probably going to be less popular among a certain sort of Catholic/Christian type.
I would wear a Jorge Mario Bergoglio throwback cassock if I could get one.
Likely all he has in the Papal closet.
Reestablishing diplomatic relations with Cuba really has to piss off Florida’s republicans. Not only does it eliminate their favorite boogey man, Castro (next to Obummer), but it means that any Cuban’s reaching Florida’s shores will no longer be granted political asylum. Cubans will now have to go through normal immigration channels, meaning that the Florida GOP will no longer be able to demonize immigrants while maintaining the Cuban-American vote.
And the icing on the cake…Obama did this with the imprimatur of the Pope; the guy every Cuban abuela has a photo of hanging in her living room. Ha.
Hey Canada helped a lot too. How come all the love for the Pope and none for them?
With this and the successful passage and implementation of the ACA, not to mention the stabilization of a seriously damaged economy, I think Barack Obama has every right to lay claim to his presidency having been a significant one. And that in spite of serious and nearly monolithic obstruction on the part of the Republican Party.
Well done, sir!
Eh, I’d imagine he’d say “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet…”
One of my Latin-mass-going, eating-fish-on-Fridays, Rosary-praying relatives is already convinced that Pope Francis “isn’t really Catholic.” Thanks, President Obama, for making the conversation at the big family Christmas dinner that much more interesting this year.
He’s not the Catholic pope, he’s the Liberal Pope!
Well, now, if the Pope isn’t Catholic, will the bears be knocking at my door asking to use the restroom, rather than going in the woods?
didn’t have a pic of Canada, Obama and Francis together, eh?
I wish the Pope was younger. That man is a positive force in this world.
He was the runner-up when Benedict was elected, too.