Discussion: Fox Tries To Debate Confederate Statues, Guests Tearfully Lament Trump


So, Donnie gets no points for his Charlottesville winery?


Seems folks on Fox News is having a meltdown…they realized they no longer can give trump cover


I think we kid ourselves when we imagine conservatives will suddenly wake up like Sleeping Beauty, shake off their poison-induced comas, and be normal again, come all the way back to zero from the place they were on the continuum. But what sometimes does happen is that there’s one step that’s a little too far in the process of radicalization. And equivocating about torch-bearing, armed, hatred-chanting gangs of Nazi thugs may be that step. We can at least hope it is.


I think the answer here is to repeal ACA and cut the taxes on the rich. That’s the way home.


Fox viewers: now would be a good time to hush up and listen to the black friends you’re always telling us about.


I’m not for pulling statues of Washington and Jefferson down, and I venerate what is good about them.

But I don’t think it would be a bad idea to discuss their ownership of slaves. There was a vital antislavery movement in England beginning in the 1770s. Why not here?


These two showed some real guts. Too bad the host couldn’t rise to their level.

I very, very seldom will click on a fox video and, while this one was worth it. my god…those captions below these people, parroting the president’s ignorance, “Is George Washington next?”, accepting his blithering nonsense as if it’s anything close to a rational thought…just awful.


Well Trump already lost the Fox News Uncle Toms. The irritating part was Abby Huntsman trying to promote the White House talking point about the monument slippery slope to soothe the elderly white audience of Fox News. I am sure she made her father very proud.


Exactly. My paraphrase

First Guest: This is far beyond the issue of monuments… (emotional - powerful content)

Host (to second guest): there are good people on both sides of the issue about confederate statues…

Second Guest: This is beyond the issue of monuments… (as a Black Republican) I feel betrayed by the president.

Host (to both): Yes, as Americans you have every right to express yourselves… now about the issue of the confederate statues…

~Viewers who are not Fox-hypnotized pull their hair out at the hosts inabilty to hear what the guests are saying.~


I couldn’t sleep either if I was a black man scheduled to appear on FOX to smooth-over Trump’s hate and racism…


These people make me want to vomit. They knew EXACTLY who this guy was when they supported him during the campaign and in the months hence. Suddenly, they are all remorseful and disillusioned. Fuck them and the equine on which they arrived.


While Trump and his defenders work to furiously distract from right wing white supremacist terror by ranting about the violence of the other side, it is worth stopping a moment to consider what a reasonable reaction to a group of torch carrying racists shouting Nazi slogans descending upon a city in the US might be. Would it be showing up to peacefully protest, not acting on your anger in the face of their hatred and threats? That would be an admirable reaction, to be sure, but how many of us would have the self control to react that way. If you were going to protest a Nazi hate fest, would it be understandable, at least, to think you might need to defend yourself? Or what about going with the intention to stand up and fight against hatred? Our laws don’t permit the instigation of violence, even against Nazis (and to be clear, most of what I’ve seen shows that it was the racists with their torches instigating the violence), but is it really that hard to understand wanting to stand up and fight against this hideous hatred? It’s not to me.


Why the hell can’t the Klan be the forest, and everyone else the people that aren’t in the forest to hear anything? They announce a rally. Everyone goes on a one day excursion elsewhere, including the media. It is just a bunch of bigots marching around yelling and waving signs. But no one else is around to hear or see them, nor do their shenanigans get covered by news outlets.

Seems to me the goddamned rally may as well not have happened were everyone to react as I’ve described.

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It’s getting hard out there for a Nazi. Two more Nazi wannabes get fired from their jobs:

Seems like a lot of them work at restaurants, I’m referring to the one at the California hot dog place who also got canned earlier.
I like being from Minnesota where we have European levels of voter participation. In the last four presidential elections, I believe we have averaged about 75% voter participation. In 2008 it was over 78% instead of the usual 74%.
Just about 7.5 out of every ten in my county voted for Trump, thank you metro voters for saving Minnesota from going in the Trump column.


Hmmmm…do i feel another boycott coming on???

Host Abby Huntsman (yeah that Huntsman) is concerned that the guests are going off the reservation, they were called in to give a reassuring message to the Trump-voting audience, and they came in with one that they will find disturbing if not outright angering.

So yes Abby Huntsman was just trying to do her job, the problem is that her job was disgusting .


When I watched the video of Jason Kessler surrounded and run off the stage at his press conference, running it seemed for his life, something in me found it very satisfying. Something else in me realizes this is not good publicity for our side.

The “violent left” is a very damaging meme. I think we need to not feed it.


Wouldn’t work. Trump’s wine would be like the books Regnery Press sells by the pallet full for conservative authors, only to have wingnut news sites give them away in exchange for subscribing to their magazine or newsletter.
Boycott Trump’s wine and a few rich right wing assholes will step in and buy the winery’s entire stock, just out of spite.

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Colbert had an interesting bit in his monologue last night. Something like, why not Washington and Jefferson? Well maybe because they didn’t try and tear down the country they built?

CBS had the whole thing, but it’s long so I won’t post it here. Recommend if you haven’t seen it.