Discussion: Fox Panelist:

Discussion for article #234669

“When you let them go down there, you’re a terrible parent”
“If you let your son go down there, you’re a fairly bad parent.”
Parenting aside, is there such a thing as bad oral sex?

This must be the clearest indication that I have seen yet that the Republicans are making a headlong dash for the women’s vote.


Well, yeah, that and all the alcohol fueled rapes and abuse that happens.

Hannity runs his show the way the worst member in a frat house would–entitled, sanctimonious, misogynistic and plain sleazy. But that’s Sean.


Hannity discussed the debauchery his crew caught on tape this year with a
panel that included Gavin McInnes, a former Vice co-founder who’s
written such articles as “Transphobia is perfectly natural” and “When is
it ever OK to hit a woman?” for the website Thought Catalog.

McInnes is also known for such thoughtful essays as: “Demeaning Public School Teachers, A Conservative’s God Given Right”, “Why Jesus Would Support a Nuclear Holocaust”, and “The Bible as a Guide to Atmospheric Physics” [snark]


You know, I had to look up those titles, because they actually seemed possible?


“When is it ever OK to hit a woman?”

I’d like to write an article entitled “Now is when it is OK to hit McInnes.”


“Right, so drill that into your daughter and say ‘You’re weak. You’re vulnerable. You’re not a superhero. You’re in danger,’” McInnes said

Yikes, sounds like it’d be a pleasure to be his daughter. Also, instead of telling your daughter this, shouldn’t focus just as equally be on teaching your son to be respectful and mindful of his behavior? Why does the onus fall completely on your daughter to protect her “reputation”?


Once again, Fox successfully slays a straw man. Nice job, Sean.


I could respond with pages of criticism to these idiots but I won’t. It’d take too much time and it’d convince no one that they’re frickin’ morans.


A headlong dash looks the same as tripping over beer cans on the beach.

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Wow…dude should be a writer for The Onion.


This is a yearly excuse for Fox “News” to show scantily clad women in order to excite it’s elderly senile male demographic, and to assuage the said demographic’s guilt by sanctimoniously moralizing about how degenerate the scantily clad women are. It’s all about making the old geezers and geezerettes feel good about themselves.


TL;DR - Regressive misogynist argues for institution of purdah in Amurikkka and Faux News sells his opinion as legitimate. Story at 11.

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This my friends is the republican party in all their glory. Women are unequal to man. If a man wants sex it is okay. If a woman wants sex she is a prostitute. If women would only realize that if you go where men are partying you are saying rape me, because women are unequal to men, and it is all us liberals fault because you know we actually see that man and woman are equal and if a woman says no than maybe it means no. Women stay away from spring break because you know, you are unequal to men and because Sean Hannity says this, it must be true.


McInnes is also known for such thoughtful essays as: “Demeaning Public School Teachers, A Conservative’s God Given Right”, “Why Jesus Would Support a Nuclear Holocaust”, and “The Bible as a Guide to Atmospheric Physics” [snark]

You forgot “Denying Health Insurance To The Poors” - A quick solution to overpopulation and the 47%


Like clockwork, or the “War on Christmas”, Hannity’s Spring Break “reporting” gives him an excuse for Girls Gone Wild-style coverage. Or lack thereof.

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Oh cool! It’s that guy who sounds like a t-shirt!


Well when it’s with a parent, yeah.