Discussion: Fox Panelist:

There’s Ph.D. dissertations written on the Spring Break phenomenon:

An excerpt from the Operational Definitions of one of them entitled: “Spring Break: The Economic, Socio-Cultural and Public Governance Impacts of College Students on Spring Break Host Locations”

According to Henderson (1997) Spring Break is “an annual celebration of spring – and of school vacations by…college students who whoop it up, sunbathe, party, drink (alcohol), dance, and listen to loud music” (pg. 321). While this description is a good beginning, other elements, such as suggestive or minimal dress, increasingly lewd public behavior and sexual activity have become associated with the event. In fact, the American Medical Association (AMA: 2006) recently described Spring Break “as a dangerous alcohol and sex binge fest.” All together these elements give a description of a ‘party atmosphere,’ an essential component of Spring Break. For the purposes of this dissertation the components that comprise Spring Break will include a locale that provides the sun, beach or water, and a ‘party atmosphere.’ The necessity of satisfying these components relegates Spring Break to warm climates, primarily in the Gulf Coast region of the U.S. and/or Mexico. The level of ‘party atmosphere’ provided by each locale varies, but is a necessity for Spring Break to occur.

Emphasis mine and I’m not making this up! And this does almost sound like an “Onion” article.

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You know, for guys who hate Muslims, they sure sound the most medieval of 'em.


You can almost see the smoke curling out of their ears as their brains overload on simple concepts.

Holy Shit! Are these people for real?! I admit to having a vivid imagination, but this is beyond me.

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You really want an answer? I’ll give you one: think about sharp teeth…

More like: Shoot the first one, go to prison for the rest of your life, lose all contact with your kids, join Aryan Nation and find out your daughter married a black dude.

Just another event on the Fox calendar of crazy, now that the War on Christmas whinefest is over.

Thought Salad. No cohesiveness to this man’s thought pattern as he attempts–very poorly–to construct a strawman. In all my years on this earth, I have never once heard any person say that men and women are the same/equal on a physical scale of any kind. Bad parents because they “allow” their adult daughters to go on spring break?

When liberals speak of equality, we’re speaking of rights, equality in pay for same work/work experience, etc. Honestly, this dude is really bad at these false equivalency set-ups. FOX Entertainment, I have come to expect far better than this from you – you are, afterall, an entertainment company. You’re falling down on the job. If I were you, I’d withhold Hannity’s paycheck until he produces better.

This just more of the traditional patriarchal bullshit we’ve had to endure since the invention of monotheistic religion. Racism will be easier to cure than sexism. The roots are far deeper and more widespread, like a Brazilian Mimosa…

“Thought Salad?”
That implies that these people are capable of thought instead of parroting useless bullshit talking points…
Maybe a regurgitation salad…


Wow. He’s like an Alexander Stephens for the new millennium.

I should point out that the Qu’ran is derived in large part from the Jewish Tor’ah and the Gospels. Muhammed just took a good dose of it and added a few bits of Bedouin bullshit to make it more palatable to the unwashed, illiterate masses of the Hijaz.
It’s the same God for all three religions, so of course, there’s a great deal more commonality than actual difference. After all, Arabic is what Hebrew would be, if Jews had not forcibly stunted the language some 2500 years ago to prevent the natural evolution of it. The English we speak/read/write is quite a bit different from the time of Revolutionary War and that English is just as removed from the English of Shakespeare. Hebrew today is not all that much different from the time of the Roman era.

Ditto. I used to believe I was a little freaky with my own thoughts, but … these people make me stop and drop jaw. Now, that was never an easy thing to do but these folks seem to one-up each other every day or so. It’s like a totally Impolite Twilight Zone world I’m living in anymore.

Scary stuff because liberals. Welcome to FUX News.

Oh Lord, it’s the annual ‘FOX Cares About Busty, Half-Clad Coeds’ spring break reports…It’s a grueling job but some square-headed blocks of fragile faux alpha masculinity will toss personal safety concerns aside to ogle and leer women 10 to 20 years younger than similarly clad FOX gals while decrying liberals for creating the moral laxity that sates their hidden voyeuristic lusts…again.


I get it–it’s a conservatives care about women joke. Ha.

The solution is simple. Just give all of the female spring-breakers guns. Problem solved.

Eh, I think Phil Robertson would argue that one with you.

Uh oh, spring break has been exposed! Turns out young people (including the lesser half that’s supposed to just make babies and deliver the coffee) like to have a good time. WTF? That’s not how this is supposed to be. This is clearly a liberal plot by socialist communists and ebola-stricken ISIS combatants to destroy the Constitution written by Jesus.

Now, let us watch these half-naked women dance as we discuss the issue.

Fox News.

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Bear with me, guys, because this recurring nature of this “story” is key to understanding what Fox is really about.

Some years ago, the ATF implemented regulations forbidding liquor companies from embedding subliminal imagery and messaging into their ads. Until then, liquor companies routinely embedded sexual imagery–phalluses, nude female torsos, bare breasts, you name it–into the ice cubes in glasses, pouring liquids, what have you. After the regulations, they had to depend on just the overt sexual imagery and themes that were common then and now in beer, wine and liquor ads. What the ATF couldn’t successfully ban, however, is the nearly ubiquitious use of death symbols–dark, brooding backgrounds, images that recede to a suggested horizon, constant reminders of mortality and our inevitable journey to the grave.

Google “liquor ads” in Google images, and you’ll see what I mean. Sex imagery, death imagery or, above all, sex imagery on top of death imagery.

And the point of all the sex and death imagery is to induce anxiety, create a sense of unease and disquiet. The idea is to make you feel anxious and upset and scared, as only fear of sexual inadequacy and the tick, tick, tick of the inexorable clock of mortality, can do so you’ll go knock back a few shots.

See where I’m headed here?

This is the Fox mission and the Fox toolkit. The entire mission of Fox News isn’t to report news or even to offer opinion, but rather, to induce fear and anxiety. The dark brooding background, Megan and the rest of the blond Fox spokesmodels, their faces mostly contorted by disgust and hate and rage, the constant shouting and shouting down, the constantly running chyron with its distracting tale of other worries, the whooshing, distracting graphics, and the constant drumbeat of fear, fear, fear. Fear Obama and what he’s doing to your country, fear the ravening hordes of blacks and browns. Fear Iran and Islam and disease carrying illegals and terror babies. Feel the grave unease at your realization that you’ll never have consensual, unpaid sex with a hot young wanton thing again or, if you do, that you’ll be ostracized or arrested or humiliated by your inability to get it up.

This is Fox News. Feel the fear and and anxiety, old white man. Feel it turn to rage when you’re away from it, and feel the need to keep rushing back to the thing causing the fear and anxiety.

And this is why Hannity and his guest shout about this story over distracting, chyron and distracting graphics laden images of bikini clad intoxicated coeds every single year.

Also, too, the War on Christmas. Because above all, the Fox News viewer cannot be permitted to feel any sense of warmth or compassion or good cheer unmixed with fear.