Discussion: Fox News To Hold 2020 Town Hall With Bernie Sanders

And you know this how? If it goes down badly, I will admit it was a mistake. Who will he have hurt except himself?

There are risks no matter which way we play. The are risks with the social issues approach too.


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Bernie will not get the nomination…Going forward he will either go Third Party (which may** be disastrous for the Democrats) OR he will go back to the Senate in peace.

I believe that he will go back to the Senate in peace. The candidates we are now fielding have a youthful slant (the reception Biden is getting is evidence of this) and there is a connection of Liz Warren and her views to many of them. I like this field.

Go in Peace, Bernie…

** there is a Venn diagram for Bernie-ites and various types of people who go GOP.

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Fuck you, Bernie. Yeah, fuck you!


Isn’t there a difference between ‘going on’ FOX and giving them a debate? I think every Dem who has the gumption and skill should go on FOX. But for the Dem party to award them a debate? I can see reasonable people agreeing to ice them out of that one particular plum.


I do declare, honey child, that I despite that motherfucker even more righteously after this!

And the Dems should kick his ass out for this crap. And this also has David Sirota, Nina Turner, and Jane His Wife written all over it.
And I love how you still see people on this site saying how the Dems should reach out to the FoxNews audience.
Fuck them! That’s like the NAACP reaching out to Stormfront for financial support. The Democrats are going to get support from the FoxNews audience about as much as Alec Baldwin is going to a Presidential Medal of Freedom from Donald Trump.


Oh, and not to get too personal or anything, but, uh, where’s those fucking taxes, Saint Bernie?



You’re on a hot streak. hahahahahaha


I know some people who over the years have complained about heredity politics. You wonder if they have even complained about say several generations of Murphy’s in the fire department.
Another Bush, obviously George P in Texas gets his name dropped not a good idea considering the record of W or a Taft, I don’t think there are any left. But a Kennedy say Joe III in say 2028 many would be happy with.

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I’ve heard that too - dynasties. The funniest time someone ever said that to me was when I was in Sicily in 2016 and a young Sicilian woman asked me vis-a-vis Hillary - what’s with these political dynasties? Well I couldn’t be rude but I could have said, well, one of Mussolini’s granddaughters is in your parliament and this island was run by dynasties for over a thousand years, right up to 1861. So I’m not sure what your problem with political dynasties is.

We’ve always had them - the Adamses were probably the first.

But if you think about it - it makes loads of sense. It’s the same thing that happens with other professions, like medicine and the law and even being a police or a military person. What kids hear at home is liable to be what they are drawn to.


You really need to ask? Have you been paying attention? Of the Fox viewers you know, how many do you think can be persuaded to vote for a Democrat? Of the people attending trump’s rallies - how many of them can be persuaded to vote for a Democrat?
They would literally vote for Putin over any Democrat.

Bernie will go on Fox with the intent to outline trump’s misdeeds, but every body else in that forum will be talking about problems/divisions/corruption within the Democratic party. And Bernie’s ego will take hold and he’ll chime right in.


I doubt this will go well. Bernie is not nimble enough to fend off offensive Fox questions without yelling and giving Fox more fodder, and isn’t smart enough to avoid agreeing with them wherever he can (and he will). I don’t see this as advisable, but I don’t think his campaign is going anywhere anyway.


Someone who intends to become the Democratic nominee should not lend legitimacy to the propaganda network of the Republican Party.

Numerous studies of the 2016 election have concluded that those who voted for Trump were not motivated by economic issues but by racism, natavism, and misogyny. Chasing the mythical “working-class white voter” is a fool’s errand. But B.S. seems primed for that role, having attacked “identity politics” (i.e. issues impacting people of color, women, and nonconforming sexual orientation) many times.

It’s funny how “identity politics” is dismissed as some lower level of concern by certain “progressives” when Republicans have been winning on such politics for decades.

We should have a drinking game and see how many times B.S. criticizes the Democratic Party in this forum. It will be a master class in “bothsiderism” by this aged phony.


Word. Word. Word.

I don’t know why people cannot accept this and continue to talk about economic anxiety.


My theory is that it allows people to feel better about what’s happening “see, it’s not their fault, we’re all good Americans!”

I was leafing through one of the Time “Remember When” publications at the supermarket the other day. This one was a history of the Twenties, with lots of pictures and short stories - flappers, baseball stars, scandalous bathing suits on the beach!

And there it was, a picture of a room full of KKK members in full regalia. The caption? Yup, an explanation of how ‘economic anxiety’ forced some people to act out their feelings. I almost tore the page out in frustration.

We’ve collectively been making excuses for shameful behavior for way too long. Just because some folks do terrible things doesn’t mean we should tolerate it, or worse adopt their framing. Time to call a racist a racist, an anti-semite an anti-semite and a mysoginist a mysoginist.

Don’t echo Trump’s words, condemn them…


That would be the Beetlejuice voter…

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I don’t always agree with Noam Chomsky but I can’t deny he’s a brilliant man. In 2010 he wrote a piece about how fascism would show up here and one of the things he said was: We will hear endlessly how the poor white man is a victim. I’m paraphrasing, but it really struck me because that is what keeps coming at us.

And it’s the same message of white grievance that has been spreading throughout the entire west - Europe and the US.



These studies found what they wanted to find.

It is possible to campaign among white working-class voters without pandering to the racism that many of them have. Barack Obama, for one, did so. Why do you expect him to trash the Democratic Party now? It would make zero sense for him to do so, since he’s in the middle of a campaign for its nomination.

I had no takers on my previous question, but I’ll try again.

Any of you choir preachers care to explain how this fits into your theory of the case:


FUCK. BERNIE. SANDERS. He’s literally doing anything and everything he can to undermine the Dems.


What’ seven funnier is that they don’t like being confronted with the barebones objective FACT that Bernie Sanders came out of the gate in 2016 playing identity politics and even borrowing some from Faux News and the GOP to use it against Clinton. He basically opened his entire campaign by claiming ownership over the progressive ideology and liberalism and declaring that only he is allowed to use those words to describe himself. His opening argument was literally to create the semantic-game underpinnings for splitting the Dem base and liberal movement into two tribes, declare himself one tribe’s chief and then use his semantic game to attack, insult and demean the “other” tribe.