Discussion: Fox News Slams Trump's 'Sick Obsession' With Megyn Kelly Over Boycott

Agree. She was very attractive pig shit until the haircut.

Iā€™m an amateur, and it still annoys the shit out of me.

and after 8 years of W, that says a lot!


I donā€™t know if thatā€™s indicative of anything. It might be, but I think it would be just as likely for him to never get back to the original point if dementia via medication, Alzheimerā€™s, or vascular degeneration were involved. The ability to digress, explore different solutions and/or different conversational paths, and then loop back around to the original point is fairly complex.

Itā€™s actually the content of his remarks that make me think heā€™s bonkers, not the structure.

To be fair though, I havenā€™t really listened to many of his rallies or other verbal performances, so itā€™s very possible I havenā€™t heard any of the specific tics that led you to your conclusion, and might whole-heartedly agree with you if I had.

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Manufactured abrasiveness to feed the anger of the masses.

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Heā€™s very sick.

No, sorry, there is a special place in hell for her and her ilk - the people who know better and know exactly what theyā€™re doing (eg, Colin Powellā€™s place is next to hers). Sheā€™s smart enough to know better so I have nothing but contempt for her. And yet, a part of me sees her as a bad, bad girl with quite a tan offsetting blonde locks and flashing eyes. . . never mind, where was I?


Personally I think sheā€™s a reminder that, as much as he clearly wants to believe that heā€™s irresistible to women, the fact is that even when he was younger and less creepy-looking, the only women willing to marry him have all been desperate for green cards.


Pull a Breitbart how? Disown Kelly the way they did Michelle Fields, or have a heart attack like Andrew?


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Well, Megyn Kelly is a woman and pressed Drumpf over some of the things he has said.

Just wait until Clinton has a go at him in the debates if she is the nominee.

Heā€™ll be bleeding out of hisā€¦ wherever.


insulating the Fox News host mustā€™ve been menstruating

Howā€™s that spell-checker-as-editor thing working out for yā€™all?


So how long before they throw her under the bus like their comrades at Breitbart?

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Oh, yes, didnā€™t you hear? Sheā€™s Cheney in a pantsuit. She led the charge for invading Iraq with her single vote. She staged Benghazi as a chaser for ousting Qadafi, for which she overrode Obamaā€™s hesitation.

Also, she brought down WTC 7.


So far, Fox seems to be standing by their own, something Breitbart never did. Weā€™ll see how long it lasts with Ailes.

Trump is like Foxā€™s cigarettes - theyā€™re just not committed to quitting him so, even if they do give him up for a few days or a week, theyā€™ll be back to their nasty old habit.

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I am actually starting to wonder if that will be the case. Sure, a number of Fox ā€˜personalitiesā€™ will be in the tank for him, but I think that, unlike past elections, there will not be orders from up on high to go light on Trump. I have a feeling the Fox leadership will allow their ā€˜personalitiesā€™ free reign with his campaign. I donā€™t think that they will ever warm up to Hillary, so to speak, but I do think that Trump will not be able to expect Fox News to carry his water for him through the campaign. He has repeatedly insulted his most powerful ally. I think it might well hurt him badly.

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The right wing devouring itself. Trump/Kelly the cipher/ FOX: whatā€™s the difference?

The man ā€œdoth protesteth too muchā€ He is trying so very hard to get her attention. I think he has a little crush on her, and it is obviously not reciprocated. His feelings are hurt.


I can attest to that. Megyn told me to get lost, too.


Oh for fuckā€™s sake. Talk about CDS and cranial rectal inversion in a one two-punch. Your comment has both in true synergistic fashion.

Well done.

(golf clap)