Discussion: Fox News Slams Trump's 'Sick Obsession' With Megyn Kelly Over Boycott

Maybe FoxNews should stop taking Trump’s calls.


I’m guessing voice-recognition transcription error for insinuating, exacerbated by lack of editing follow-up.


Well, isn’t it obvious? Megyn turned down The Donald’s “business” proposals. “These American blondes are so much more bloody bitchy than the ones from Eastern Europe!” And Donald is never one to allow a bitch–bloody or otherwise–to get the best of him. Megyn stepped on the wrong dick this time (or so The Donald thinks).


Trump’s BrownShirts are the ones who have the steam. Without them and–earlier-- his Daddy’s inheritance, Trump would be a mere outpatient.

The BrownShirts? People who, by voting Republican, send people to Congress to vote down jobs bills…and then get so “angry” that there are “no jobs”

Everyone has read about the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. Many people were near illiterate, in addition to being destitute. Does anyone believe that these near illiterate people would be so clueless as to send Congressmen to Washington to vote down FDR’s New Deal projects?

And yet, in the 21st Century, Mr. Obama was fought at every turn…by those he could have helped…so that THEY could eventually become Trump’s BrownShirts.

Oh…and thanks, media, for pointing all of this out.


Roger Ailes and Dick Cheney are probably bionic at this point. :smile: They just won’t die! And you’re so on point with the rest of your post here. The Frankenstein’s monster comparison has never been more apt.

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I highly suspect Donald Trump has already hit on Megyn Kelly at least once, perhaps more than once. It’s obvious she told him she can’t–and won’t–be bought or “charmed” into his arms.


trolling faux news is the one thing the Donald gets right. I only wish he would troll those fake ass dems on faux news too.

Yah, but his bigotry and racism towards
Minorities are just fine and dandy with Fox and Roger Ails.

Trump and Fox deserve each other.


That’s gotta sting. Don’t worry, Donald, you can go running into the warm embrace of Joe Scarborough.


To think, If this is how he thinks he is getting the upper hand with Megyn, I can’t wait for the day Hillary and him debate if he makes it that far. Should take about 30 secs for Hillary to ignite the fuse that will have twrmp blowing himself up for the world to see…
Wear sunglasses, red faced and what ever that color hair is will be bright and shiny.

He’s seethingly jealous of her hair…


Well from what’s been reported he still sends pictures of his hands to the people from Spy who called him a short-fingered vulgarian almost 30 years ago. Donald Trump does not let a slight go.


He’ll be 70 in June, of course.

Certainly seems to be… Unrequited too.


For sure. It’s where this all really started.


Maybe he figures if he keeps at it Fox will eventually pull a Breitbart.

LOL. Really hard to get, because I think she’s already seen the goods–from head to toe–without the extra-strength spanx leotards he had specially made.

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For months I’ve been telling friends I think he is on some type of medication, but I don’t know which one. If you watch his speeches for any length of time, or even his answers during a debate, he can’t hold a thought for longer than a minute, he jumps between multiple topics, with digressions, and then swings back to his original point. Some suggested Adderall, but I thought that made you concentrate. Perhaps it is a side effect blood pressure medication or Viagra.

Or maybe you’re right, it is dementia.


Considering the way Fox commentators speak about Hillary, I’d say they don’t have a leg to stand on here.


Guaranteed this is the first time Fox has used the term sexist and it hasn’t been in quotes.


Perhaps Adult Attention Deficit Disorder? Depending on the medication prescribed, it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility his little blue pills (at his age and his size/weight, yeah, he needs them … nothing wrong with that) amplify his other meds.