Discussion for article #247607
Pig shit calling pig shit, pig shit.
Hard to believe this big nasty baby is in the running to be president of the USA. Talk about childish, disgusting. He continues to outdo himself, I’m amazed. The GOP has become a laughingstock to the entire world at this point, and maybe the entire USA for enabling such to happen. This has become the reality show of the century, sorry to say. I’m tuned in for the laughs and entertainment. The country has already gone to hell anyhow, so what’s to lose? A lot more, I know. The country is maybe still salvageable but … with the GOP and their Trump, seems hopeless. And Hillary isn’t really any better, less threatening to most countries and people, but still a Neo Con at heart and in her actions. The implosion of the country will just be slower under Clinton.
Much as I loathe FOX, what they say is close to the truth. Just the bit about her being one of the “leading” anchors is crap. But, then, it’s FOX, isn’t it.
I could understand being obsessed with her. Well, until that haircut anyway. Eew.
I’m so entertained with all the infighting…
Carry on little children.
Trump is a misogynist who can’t stand being questioned by or stood up to by a woman. A few other male journalists have asked him hard questions and he hasn’t gone after them like he has Megyn.
He is also physically attracted to Kelly, but knows he can’t win her with his wealth and his “charm.” He’s a pissed off, poor little rich-boy bully who is upset he can’t get what he so clearly wants.
Donald Trump’s vitriolic attacks against Megyn Kelly and his extreme,
sick obsession with her is beneath the dignity of a presidential
candidate who wants to occupy the highest office in the land
All this GOP-on-GOP hate is great, but FOX will still have Trump on there 5 times a day with slavish puff piece interviews that ignore this feud with Kelly.
Megyn Kelly has shown great aplomb and maturity in ignoring Trump. She is a class act, in and of herself. Politics aside, I give her thumbs up for weathering the withering attacks unfazed. She’s a star, and will probably go far, far beyond FOX eventually. She deserves my respect. I have never watched FOX news, and never will. I only read about it, and her. And I have watched no presidential candidate debates, so haven’t seen her there either.
The audience of this battle had best wear hip waders. In the end it’s all about publicity.
There’s clearly something seriously wrong with him.
Trump is misfiring. He’s acting just like the Rubiobot. Keeps saying the same thing even after he had discounted what he had said earlier…several times no less. They need to take him in and debug his programming?
I can understand a misogynist stalking a woman. I can understand a narcissist wanting attention any way he can get it. But I can’t understand why Trump returns to attacking Kelly over and over again. It’s gotten monotonous.
Does he forget? Is it a sign of early dementia? Is he in love with her?
One thing for certain, it’s getting pretty lame and boring…just like Rubio. Could Trump have peaked way, way too early? I’m thinking that he’s going to run out of steam.
Hillary is a neocon??? Get a grip, sir.
Yeah, but he knows she really wants him. She’s just playing hard to get.
Careful ray ---- His spreader is set on “thick” —
Donald Trump’s vitriolic attacks against Megyn Kelly and his extreme, sick obsession with her is beneath the dignity of a presidential candidate who wants to occupy the highest office in the land.
Are you kidding? Donald Trump has no dignity. If by some freakish fate he were to somehow get elected President he will be the most colossal embarrassment this country has ever faced.
Fox News slammed Republican frontrunner Donald Trump Friday night for his “sick obsession” with host Megyn Kelly …
Not to go all pedantic here, but I think maybe Fox is being a little too judgmental. I mean, is it even possible to have a healthy obsession with Megyn Kelly?
I think not.
Look at Roger Ailes. That is not a healthy man. For God’s sake, his last name is a homonym for the first syllable of ailment!
A large portion of Fox’s ratings depends on - and a large part of Fox’s marketing budget is spent on - inculcating unhealthy obsessions with its female blonde broadcasters among its angry old white male viewership.
I think it’s unseemly for Fox to encourage such obsessions, then criticize one of its own Presidential candidates for succumbing to the same obsessions they sell all day long.
And Ailes and Murdoch wonder why their viewers vote for Trump? That’s just … well, that’s just hilariously ironic.
You built it, you own it. Geez Fox, you know tRump’s history, why couldn’t you see he’d turn on you? We all did.
Trump is an ass…but Fox will still support him over Hillary. I’m not impressed with their selective moral outrage.
Hey, TPM, “insulating”? Really?
And to commenter JEP, or whatever your name is, some of us who comment on TPM’s shitty writing are professionals, not amateurs.