Discussion for article #231578
Snap goes the trap.
Hey Elizabeth if you want “attacks against Christianity” over then before speaking reflect on what you are about spew on Fox & Friends. Maybe some self reflection on does what I’m about to say reflect my religion’s ethos.
Will somebody tell us what “I’m over” really means?
Deal with it, Blondie. Attacks on the FOX brand of shoot-thy-neighbor, greed-is-godly, piss-on-the-least-of-these, Ayn Randian “Christianity” aren’t going away. Ever.
More cannon fodder for comedians. Colbert may regret moving to The Late Show after seeing this. I am sure he could come up with a very long list LOL!
There have been attacks against Christianity in places like Egypt, but I have not seen any such events in America.
Now christianism, that is a different story.
I love you, Internet.
WheN yOU soulleSS Libturds ATTACK ElisaBETH HaSSelbecK, You ATTACK CHRISTianity!!!1!!1!1!!one!11!1!!!
I tried to put the “christ” back in christmas, but he kept jumping up and running away again.
Happy New Year, Eustace. !1!!!1ONE!
WTF is wrong with pretzel buns? They are DELICIOUS. Let me guess, Obama likes pretzel buns?
AL Gore inVEnted the PREtzel buN. Or sO he cLAIMs.
That’s what the roofies are for.
I would think “I’m over it” means “I don’t get either upset about it or into it anymore.” Which makes tweets like: “I’m over attacks on Christianity,” kind of perplexing.
Now, I understand why W choked on a pretzel.
That might be because he’s pissed off that everyone’s celebrating his birthday in the wrong month
FOX- tries to sound hip, shoots self in foot!
I’m over hearing Koch brothers agitprop dished out by the Aryan Barbie Club on Fox News.
Since what I know about Fox 'n Friends I get here at TPM I guess I’m over Fox ('n Friends) before I got started.
Do these hashtag campaigns EVER end up successful? Maybe I only hear about the backfires, but the entire concept sounds like it works best as a backfire. Because it’s just so much more effective to use them to mock the person who started the campaign than it is to give straight answers. That’s because satire is the best medicine for stupid.