Discussion: Fox News Host: Stephen Colbert Owes His Success To Us

Gutfeld is all butthurt.

In other news, it’s dark at night.


So, by the same twisted, narcissistic logic, ALL OF YOU at FOX News should write 8-Figure Checks to both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
After all, without them, you are just TMZ with uglier, stupider reporters.


If Fox didn’t use stupid people to cultivate a stupid audience Colbert’s satire would fall flat. In a way the host is right, but not in a good way.

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To claim it’s just gaffes is at once a gaffe and also a kind of hilarious symptom of the deeper societally-damaging problem he worked so valiantly to expose.


Gutfelp is probably upset that Colbert never singled him out. Gutfoop is a mean spirited, nasty little so called comedian.

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Says the jester to the king


“He should write an eight-figure check to Fox News,” Gutfeld said, “because all of our gaffes made that man’s career.”

It’s not your gaffes; it’s your business model that made that man’s career.


[quote=“TeenLaQueefa, post:15, topic:14649”]
I remember reading that Tom DeLay recommended Colbert for the White House correspondent dinner gig in 2006 because he just didn’t get it.
[/quote] Tim Delay, the convicted felon??

THAT Tom Delay?


And firemen to fires.

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The one and only!

I wonder what that frisky felon is up to these days?


Pro-tip, moron: he’s laughing AT you. Not with you. Trust us on this one.


Fox News is right in that “The Colbert Report” owes much of its success to them.

But they’re wrong in saying Colbert should pay Fox. Fox should be paying Colbert for doing their fact-checking for them.

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No need to be polite in this crowd. Let’s knock back three-finger shots of Bulleit and let 'er rip! First round’s on me. There’s a symbiosis in the play between Idiocracy USA and Fox News. Stephen Colbert played the part of the Greek Chorus brilliantly.

With Colbert gone it’s up to us and John Stewart.



Even if he was working with their gaffes, which he was not, it is pretty funny to suggest that Fox News provided someone with a career’s worth of gaffes to work with.

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Then I guess that Fox owes their ratings to…OBAMA!!!

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What’s his point? I guess Foxboobs could stop supplying the world’s comedian’s and satirists with so much free material, but then, they wouldn’t be Fox.


[Stephen Colbert] should write an eight-figure check to Fox News,” Gutfeld said, “because all of our gaffes made that man’s career.” And, by “gaffes” we mean an endless stream of bullshit and base sedition, on the days that it didn’t cross over into outright treason.

In fact, I could almost see his point … immediately after Republicans cut a $6 trillion check to America for lying the world into two false wars for the profit of their friends and cronies, said nobody at Fuax Spew.

My only complaint about Mr. Colbert is that he was limited to merely mocking paid off, craven seditionists when it is the duty of our Justice Department to throw them in jail for life. At least, those that aren’t outright executed for treason against the Homeland.


Well of COURSE a Rupert Murdoch production will claim to be behind everything…these fools actually claimed to have swung an entire election by themselves:

Fucking Billo yesterday said that the “war” on “christmas” was over, and HE had won it!

The narcissism at any Murdoch-owned media shithole runs deep…very, very deep.


I was going to say . . . like sewage plant workers owe their salaries to shit.

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