Excellent generalization. They just don’t get nuance at all. Just try having a rational discussion with that crazy uncle at the Thanksgiving dinner if you don’t believe it.
Their brains are wired differently.
i recall years ago trying to explain to my brother in law that my objection to the death penalty was pragmatic, not philosophical. I might as well have been speaking Sanskrit.
It’s true, DeLay thought Colbert was serious and it was a joke on liberals. My conservative stepmother loved Colbert until I pointed out he was mocking her.
What I like about that “joke” is that it implicitly confirms that Fox pays it’s sources. So as a “journalism” outlet Fox is saying that they have to rely on paid, tainted sources.Kinda like MO had to rely on Witness 40’s testimony because it was the only one that said what they wanted to hear…
I would gladly exchange FOX deciding to actually conduct the practice of journalism for Steven Colbert’s success, much as I so much respect and admire him.
Practicing journalism requires a modicum of grey matter in functioning condition. Something not common over at Fox. So, hoping for actual journalism from them is an exercise in futility. Which would mean Me Colbert’s abilities at sarcasm and parody are all the more precious.
My over riding memory was Henry Kissinger’s complete inability to keep the beat of the song. He was consistently missing the down beat.
I’m going thru Colbert withdrawal. Thank the Maker for youtube.
"“He should write an eight-figure check to Fox News,” Gutfeld said, “because all of our gaffes, that we never admitted were gaffes, made that man’s career.”