Discussion: Fox News Host Grills Clinton On Email Server At Town Hall

More like giving them an unloaded gun. And they just keep shooting it, oblivious to the fact that no bullets are actually coming out.


I see what you did there. :smiley:


Actually, I think they’re shrewd enough to beat the shit out of this dead horse so they can turn around and claim that the story continues to make headlines.


It’s not limited to Fox. All the cable and broadcast networks who use so-called journalist to get at “the truth” use these phrases. It’s lazy, it’s passive aggressive, and they probably expect candidates to hang themselves or at least entangle themselves in bullshit answers. She’s too smart for that. She withstood 11 hours from a pack of them, after that Bret Baier is small potatoes.


As a longtime TPM member it is probably no secret to some that I have never been a big fan of HRC. Her vote for the Iraq war when she should have known there were no WMDs has been my biggest gripe. I didn’t like how she ran against Obama. That said, I really am sickened by how she continues to get raked over the coals over this email shit when Trump and Cruz dance naked singing hateful and racist songs and no one blinks. She is held to an unfair and higher standard than the lowest scum of the GOP. I truly appreciate her unwillingness to back down or take any shit. So, here and now, I declare myself an ardent supporter of HRC because she has proven her mettle and grace. Let’s go HRC!


It’s a pretty standard conservative trope. How many times have you heard Trump say “let me tell you, I’ve gotten so many letters telling me this it would make your head spin”


Did HRC only agree to turn up after Fox promised to do a mini repeat of that hearing on the emails?

Or did she just decide that after Sanders self destructed yesterday, she should turn up today and keep him off balance?

Being a total jerk to Fox News is not going to hurt her reputation with the base at all.


That’s what they hoped for…to move from one stupid faux scandal they’ve promulgated to all the others that they’ve wasted their on-air time blabbing about over the years. Later Faux execs must have thought “too bad we made this thing into a townhall”. Because of that, they were obligated to have an audience there to ask the questions. Surprised they didn’t stack the audience with ringers, although that would be really hard to do in a city like Detroit. Not sure why Brett Bare was asking about anything come to think about it, rather than just directing his attention to the audience for the entirety of the questioning.


The Media Matters headline is just as misleading as FOX. At this time none of the past Secretaries of State handled info that was classified at the time they were handled. That includes Powell, Rice, Clinton and Kerry. Yet the MM headline gives the impression they handled classified at the time they were sent. Yet the report says "the State Department’s inspector general concluded that 12 emails contain "national security information classified at the Secret or Confidential levels." That means they are NOW classified, not that they were when sent. Responding to FOX lies by telling your own lies is not cool.

MM definitely needs fact checking too. They seem to only care about right wing media lies, but ignore the others. So the name of their organization is misleading. If media matters, it should be ALL media. At least Stewart and Colbert called out both sides. MM is one way.

That will change in the general election. For now it’s great for ratings, watching the two idiots fight it out. But in the general, it’s one on one, and the questions get more in depth, and the tone more serious. Hillary will destroy either of them. And like you, I am no fan of hers for the reasons you mentioned. She is just the far better option.

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Hillary was prepared and answered the questions thoroughly.


Wow. I actually liked the rapid fire questions because it explains this issue better than thousands of journalists half-hearted, or non-existent, attempts to explain the issue. Bravo, Hillary!


But thankfully, unlike those rejects from ‘Dancing with the Stars’, she hits every mark and is unshakable, unflappable in the face of total ignorance and stupidity.

Makes her, head and shoulders, more qualified than any of those numb-nuts who would fold like rice paper if confronted with a tenth of the hostility.

Bret had to be dreaming if he thought he would be tougher on her than 11 hours of congressional pontificating.


I’d like to aak Baier if he deletes any emails in his inbox. What a dumbass. None of us keep useless emails. Oh yes, lets keep the office cake email notifications. Some day that could be valuable information.


Exactly, Fox so-called News is actually a collection of lightweights, Rubios if you will, and has no chance against any intelligent, prepared individual.


LOL. Can you just imagine the loud exasperated huffs and shrill decibels if Palin was being subjected to that kind of scrutiny?


Seconded from a Bernie supporter. I will still vote for him in the primary, but will have no trouble pulling the lever fr HRC if it’s her in the general.


Even when not under that scrutiny, she would throw together some kind of incoherent word salad that would certainly include mention of the ‘lamestream media’, but little of defense or substance.

It is why Palin shouldn’t be allowed near a cactus, let alone the Oval Office, even if she has a ticket for the WH tour.

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Amen! Another convert here, proud to vote HRC in FL primary!


“At that time” is what matters. Reclassification after she received is irrelevant to any questions about her compliance with the law. Sorry GOP and Fox. There never was any substance to claims to the contrary. Never!!!