Discussion for article #247027
She gave good answers to good questions.
Effing Fox News and their “I’ve heard others say” and “some say” bullsh!t"
Great answers, Madam Secretary.
." She said that she has already said that using her private server “wasn’t the best choice,” and that nothing she received or sent was considered classified."
But on the other hand:
ps. Here’s the entire exchange.
They needed to offer something in the way of red meat to their brain-dead audience…It really was the only reason they probably wanted to have Hillary on if you ask me because it sure wasn’t of any interest to the Democratic base that will be voting tomorrow in Michigan.
Best headline:
you beat me to it. Some people say that Fox News is a joke of a news organization.
Context is missing here. It was recently announced (not sure by who…State Dept or FBI perhaps?") that what Hillary sent or received was not classified at that time. Emphasis on the last three words.
She never falters, she never melts - she’s the most incredible candidate ever. She knew she had to be and by golly she is.
Yes, absolutely.
They should have asked;
Wasn’t the use of a private server just asking for trouble from the right wing who have hated your guts since '92?
Wasn’t it just stupid to give those fools any ammo at all?
Fox News Host Grills Clinton…
with Lobster Thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce, garnished with truffle pâté, brandy and a fried egg on top, and Spam.
I know a politician doesn’t want to pass up free national TV time the day before a primary, especially if their opponent is getting it, but I hate that she gave these Fox fuckwits any sort of credibility by appearing.
She has no fear.
Better. She’s better.
Clear up the misinformation going on around here? Did he say that? A FOX guy said that?
No, it was Hillary who said that.
Now, moving on to Benghazi…
Of course she did nothing wrong; of course she did not send or receive classified information at any time. Of course her server was never hacked; of course Dump FOX goes on a fishing expedition; of course they found nothing. Of course, they are too stupid to see that they found nothing.
Metaphorically, I would picture Hillary akin to an extremely relaxed person with a jealous spouse who drives an electric car.
There’s nothing THERE