It is official now, Fox News is the channel for white supremacist.
These guys are insane and they’re on a national cable channel? Ugh.
If it’s “importing a class of people they like” is the issue then lets talk about that. How about importing a billionaire Australian to trash our political discourse and make problem solving a thing of the past. Bringing a guy here that only became an American because the law requires you be one before you can trash America.
Watch that clip again. It’s the only future America has now. Suicide. Done. RIP.
Hate to break it to these dipshits but, here in Tejas (yes, that’s the way it was spelled), half the towns, rivers, roads, etc south of Austin, not to mention the people and culture are Hispanic in name and/or in origin. So a hearty Fuck You to these imbeciles.
“importing citizens” What a great idea! Why didn’t I think of that before?
Well, shit, I’m torn between two different comments.
“I hear there’s Taco Bells as far north as Tucson!”
You think Fucker Tarlson could afford a better chemical peel. It looks like he had it done by a back alley abortionist who had an hour free.
Fox News - Your Flat Earth News source…
Yeah, they just forgot their talking point there.
What they don’t understand — because they don’t learn from history — is that when you have an empire, sometimes the empire strikes back.
Daily Caller = Daily Stormer
Will the Jedi then return? I’d prefer Eff-Dee-Arr-Kenobi, but I’ll settle for Obama Skywalker.
Aside from this being ignorant and completely ahistorical, what’s wrong with a majority-Hispanic population anyway?
And Carlson said unto Foxland, Thou shalt despise thy neighbour as thyself. On this commandment hang all the law and the prophets.
And BTW, Steyn is a fucking Canadian, so why are we tolerating some fucking foreigner yammering about how America-not-his-country is supposed to be a permanently white people country?
What an astounding piece of shit this man is. Comprehensively, thoroughly shit.
That means, in effect, the border has moved north. And the cultural transformation outweighs any economic benefits that that lady was talking about.
Can't happen soon enough to suit me. Caucasians are nothing but trouble. Speaking as one I have to say we really suck. My God, we bequeathed the nation Blake Shelton and Tom Brady, that says it all. We had a good run. Wiped out the Native Americans. Killed a bunch of Africans and Chinese stateside. Conducted some genocides in South and Central America. Our work is done. Fuck us.
You have to agree that many people who migrate to America fail to assimilate, and make no effort to leave their old ways behind.
For example, most White americans have never even been to a smudging ceremony, and still worship a Middle Eastern religious figure.
If I’m not mistaken, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado were part of Mexico before they were part of the US.
I did my part back in the 60s and 70s. Lots of peyote and leather moccasin dealers appreciated my lifestyle.